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Veterinary Partner Appropriate Use Guidelines
Revised: February 02, 2024
Published: April 23, 2018


  • Veterinary Partner articles may be printed for client education purposes. Please print in small batches and refresh often as Veterinary Partner content is updated on a frequent basis.
  • Linking to the VeterinaryPartner.com site, or individual articles is allowed at any time without requiring permission.
  • Embedding or electronically reproducing Veterinary Partner articles is not permitted unless, through the use of eVetSites, an optional service provided from VIN.

All content on this website is the intellectual property of Veterinary Information Network®, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction, copying, or use of any material without VIN®'s express permission is copyright infringement. It is illegal and is strictly prohibited.

In addition, plagiarism - including patchwork or mosaic plagiarism – will not be tolerated. It will be detected, and appropriate actions will be taken. (Patchwork plagiarism involves borrowing phrases, passages, or ideas from multiple existing sources and merging them to form a new text.)

Ensure legal and ethical conduct. Obtain permission for any use beyond personal viewing or veterinarian/client case communication. If you have received permission for other uses, credit the original sources. Don't compromise integrity—create, don't copy.


Permission for reproduction will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Please submit your request using the Permission to Use VIN Content form.

The content of this site is owned by Veterinary Information Network (VIN®), and its reproduction and distribution may only be done with VIN®'s express permission.

The information contained here is for general purposes only and is not a substitute for advice from your veterinarian. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

Links to non-VIN websites do not imply a recommendation or endorsement by VIN® of the views or content contained within those sites.
