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Borrower Information
When and how much you borrow is a primary factor for evaluating your income-driven repayment options.
Graduation Year
Graduation Month
Preset Scenarios
For the most accurate simulation, bring your actual loan information over from the VIN Foundation My Student Loans tool.
Amount you expect to borrow
Repayment Plan
In-School+Grace Period Interest
Average Interest Rate
Your interest rate input is affected by the CARES Act suspension. Please enter your best guess of the average interest rate for your loans prior to the CARES Act adjustment.
Years in Repayment
Years of Public Service:
As the name implies, income-driven repayment plans are highly dependent on changes to your income.
Enter your income information as best as you can or let us project it for you.
Your Planned Annual Taxable Income
Did you know?
Your income-driven payments can be based on your taxable income, specifically your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from a recently filed tax return. Enter your most recent AGI as Your Annual Income when available.
Students/New Grads
If you file a tax return before you graduate, your income-driven repayment plan payment can be $0/month for the first 12 months of repayment and very low in the second 12 months of repayment. Most new graduates will have little to no income during their final year and only half a year’s income in their graduation year. Click the button below to automatically adjust your first two income year inputs. Review the new graduate student loan playbook for more information.
Since federal income-driven repayment plans are tied to your yearly income and family size,
the simulation will be highly dependent on your specific family situation.
Dependent Information
We rely entirely on donations. Would you consider "paying it forward" with a one-time $50 donation to help? If you have already donated, Thank you!
Support VIN Foundation
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