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Alpha or Aggressive?
Kathy Davis
Published: August 23, 2002
Q: I have a Lab that I think from what I have read is trying to be the alpha dog in my house. She bites me, growls, snaps and gets really mad at the word no. She also chases and snaps at my poor cat so that now cat lives under the sink and outside. I have been obedience training her and can only control her with choke chain and leash on her at all times even in house. I know male dogs after they get fixed are less aggressive but would it change a female too? She is 5 months old and has had this problem from the third day I got her. She is better now but I still would not trust her with children and other animals. I am not afraid of her but I am getting frustrated with being snapped at, jumped on, and having to use a collar and leash to get her to obey every day. Would getting her fixed make any difference in her personality? I have had other dogs, both male and female, and never had this problem. She has no will to please. I use food and praise a lot which only works for short time. Can you send me any information that could help? The teaching her I am alpha dog, how long can that take?

A: I don't think what you have is an alpha dog. The behavior you describe is not part of the puppyhood behavior of an alpha. I think the best thing for you to do is have a trainer or behavior specialist meet with you and the dog to evaluate the situation. It sounds like she has a dangerous temperament but only an expert in-person can determine that. Your veterinarian can probably recommend someone locally who is both humane and effective. I hope something can be worked out for the dog but it really doesn't sound encouraging.

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