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Seresto Fact Sheet for Clients
Courtesy of VINx
Published: March 16, 2021

This Seresto Fact Sheet and infographic were created by the VINx team as a client handout for clinics that use VINx's client communication tools to email and text information like this to clients for the clinics.

To provide all VINners the opportunity to use content to respond to client concerns about the recent news articles about Seresto, the content was reformatted for the VIN Community.

  • Download the Seresto Fact Sheet infographic seen below for social media or your website (.jpg)
  • Download a Seresto Fact Sheet Word (.docx) document to use or modify as you desire

NOTE: VIN has no relation to the manufacturer or anyone with a financial interest in Seresto. 

           VIN accepts no advertising or sponsorships.
           For Veterinarians, By Veterinarians®,  VIN is beholden to only you, our colleagues.

The content of this site is owned by Veterinary Information Network (VIN®), and its reproduction and distribution may only be done with VIN®'s express permission.

The information contained here is for general purposes only and is not a substitute for advice from your veterinarian. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

Links to non-VIN websites do not imply a recommendation or endorsement by VIN® of the views or content contained within those sites.

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