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  • Choosing the Right Litterbox for Your Cat Open link in new window
    Choosing and maintaining the right litterbox setup to meet your cat's needs helps prevent house soiling and promotes healthy elimination behaviors from the start.
  • Hard to Regulate Diabetic Cats Open link in new window
    The goal in long-term management of diabetes mellitus is the alleviation of unpleasant clinical signs (constant thirst, weight loss etc.) and prevention of dangerous secondary conditions (infections, ketoacidosis, etc.). To accomplish this, blood sugar levels should be regulated between 250 mg/dl and 80 mg/dl. This is not as good as the body's natural regulation but it is a fair and achievable goal in most cases.
  • Anal Glands and Anal Gland Abscess in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    The infection prevents the foul-smelling anal gland fluid from leaving the sac.
  • Linear Foreign Bodies in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    Pets, especially younger ones, have the unfortunate tendency to eat things they shouldn't and we aren't talking about food. Toys, socks, rocks and other materials find their way into pet stomachs but when the foreign body is a string, the consequences are especially dire.
  • Chronic Bronchitis in Dogs Open link in new window
    When the bronchi are injured by irritants (cigarette smoke, air pollution, biochemical products of infection, etc.), they respond with a healing process that is inherently inflammatory. When the injury becomes ongoing, the inflammatory/healing process also becomes ongoing and the end result involves excessive mucus production in the airways. The mucus obstructs the smaller bronchi, which stimulates coughing, which in turn leads to irritation and then to inflammation and then to more mucus. A vicious cycle results.
  • Malignant Melanoma in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    While a good fur coat generally protects our pets from sun-induced malignant melanoma, a melanoma diagnosis is still just as serious and potentially deadly in our pets as it is for people.
  • Erythromycin (Ery-tab, Ery-Ped, Eryc) Open link in new window
    Today erythromycin has seen some resurgence in popularity. This is partly because of over use of drugs that had previously eclipsed erythromycin. Staphylococci developed resistance to the new drugs leading to a return to older drugs.
  • Mealtime Enrichment for Cats Open link in new window
    Food enrichment provides physical and behavioral wellbeing for the cat and enjoyment for the family.
  • Enrofloxacin (Baytril) Open link in new window
    This medication may be used in either dogs or cats to combat different types of infections, especially those involving Pseudomonas. Enrofloxacin is also active against Staphylococci, and thus is commonly used for skin infections.
  • Pregabalin Open link in new window
    Pregabalin has been used in human medication primarily for nerve pain and can be similarly used for pets. It came into veterinary use in 2024 when it was approved for cats needing help with transport anxiety.

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The same folks who provide Veterinary Partner® also offer a blog called VetzInsight. Rather than explain what occurs in a disease process and how to treat it - which Veterinary Partner® offers - our goal is not only to inform on larger issues but to tap into the numerous emotions at play within the human-animal bond. We're here to learn and have fun. If you're interested in learning more about a broader look at veterinary medicine, the veterinarians, the clients, and the patients, VetzInsight is a great learning experience.

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VIN News Service was created in 2008 as the news media arm of the Veterinary Information Network, the largest online information service devoted to veterinary medicine. Since 1991, VIN has served as a community where colleagues connect to share medical cases and their experiences navigating life, business and the profession. VIN is for veterinarians, by veterinarians. The VIN News Service, like VIN, is advertiser-free, supported by the dues of VIN members.

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