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  • Anaphylactic Shock in Pets Open link in new window
    When a human or pet comes in contact with a substance that their immune system thinks is harmful, the immune system labels that substance an allergen and produces antibodies to fight it. The resulting response is an allergic reaction. If the response is anaphylactic shock, this is a medical emergency. 
  • Glucosamine/Chondroitin Sulfate (Cosequin, Dasuquin, Glycoflex, Flexadin, Caniflex, Synovi, etc.) Open link in new window
    Degenerative joint diseases are painful conditions frequently treated with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents. It has been of interest to seek a medication that might actually strengthen damaged joints rather than simply blocking pain. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates theoretically represent a solution.
  • Neutering Your Male Dog Open link in new window
    Neutering a dog will help prevent or curtail a number of unpleasant behavioral problems and can also prevent prostate disease. This simple surgery is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Click here for an FAQ.
  • Pyrantel Pamoate (Strongid T, Nemex) Open link in new window
    Pyrantel pamoate is effective against numerous parasitic worms, such as roundworms, hookworms, and stomach worms. When a new puppy or kitten is adopted and has been said to have been dewormed, the chances are it is this product that was used.
  • Terbinafine (Lamisil) Open link in new window
    Terbinafine has activity against other types of fungi but at this time it is mostly used against ringworm.
  • Cephalexin (Keflex) Open link in new window
    Cephalexin is a good broad spectrum antibiotic, which means it is useful in most common and uncomplicated infections. It is especially useful against staphylococcal infections (most skin infections) and is commonly used for long (6-8 week courses) against deep skin infections (pyodermas).
  • Cannabis Toxicity in Pets Open link in new window
    Cannabis generally refers to the products of the Cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana and has been safely used medically for centuries.
  • Renal Anemia, or Inadequate Red Blood Cells, in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    There are three important ways in which the kidney patient loses red blood cells. The first way is bone marrow suppression. The second way is bleeding. The third way is called hemodilution. Maintaining a stable red blood cell quantity keeps the patient energetic and spirited and is crucial to staying alive.
  • Bedinvetmab (Librela™) Open link in new window
    Bedinvetmab (LibrelaTM) is indicated for the relief of osteoarthritis pain in dogs. 
  • Levetiracetam (Keppra, Keppra XR, Kepcet, Kerron, Kevtan, Levitaccord, Levitam) Open link in new window
    As advances are made in seizure control in humans, medications eventually spill down into veterinary use; levetiracetam is a good example.

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