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Sales Tax by State and Service
Revised: September 09, 2024
Published: June 29, 2015

Karen James

Currently VIN is required to charge sales tax for the indicated services in the following states:

State Membership  eVetsite *  CE Books 
Alabama NT T NT T
Arizona NT
California  NT  NT  NT 
Colorado   NT
Connecticut  T  NT
District of Columbia T T  NT
Florida NT T  NT
Georgia NT  NT  NT  T
Hawaii T T T T
Idaho  NT  NT  NT 
Illinois NT NT NT T
Indiana NT T NT T
Kansas NT NT NT T
Kentucky NT T NT T
Louisiana NT T T T
Maryland NT NT NT T
Massachusetts NT T NT T
Michigan NT NT NT T
Minnesota NT NT T
Missouri NT NT NT T
Nebraska NT T NT T
Nevada NT NT NT T
New Jersey T T NT T
New Mexico T T T T
New York T T NT T
North Carolina NT T NT T
Ohio T T NT T
Oklahoma NT NT NT T
Pennsylvania T NT NT T
Tennessee NT NT NT T
Texas T T NT T
Utah NT T NT T
Vermont NT T NT T
Virginia NT NT NT T
Washington T T NT T
Wisconsin T T NT T
Wyoming NT NT NT T

T = Taxable ; T¹ = Taxable in some cities
NT = Not taxable

* Some services taxable.

This list is subject to change without notice.