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Veterinary Certifications: The Alphabet Soup of Specialists
Revised: April 25, 2019
Published: March 06, 2004

Pet owners are often unaware that the veterinary field has so many specialists available.  Just as with human physicians, understanding what certifications a specialist has can be confusing.  A list of the most common certifications and what those initials mean can help you feel more comfortable when you need to see a specialist.

AABP American Association of Bovine Practitioners
AAEP American Association of Equine Practitioners
AAFP American Association of Feline Practitioners
AAVP American Association Veterinary Parasitologists
ABT American Board of Toxicology
ABVP American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
ABVT American Board of Veterinary Toxicology
ACAW American College of Animal Welfare
ACLAM American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
ACPV American College of Poultry Veterinarians
ACT American College of Theriogenologists
ACVA American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists
ACVB American College of Veterinary Behaviorists
ACVCP American College of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology
ACVD American College of Veterinary Dermatology
ACVECC American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
ACVIM American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
ACVM American College of Veterinary Microbiologists
ACVN American College of Veterinary Nutrition
ACVO American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
ACVP American College of Veterinary Pathologists
ACVPM American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine
ACVR American College of Veterinary Radiology
ACVSMR American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
ACVS American College of Veterinary Surgeons
ACZM American College of Zoological Medicine
ASVCP American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology
AVDC American Veterinary Dental College
ANZCVS Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists 
ECAMS European College of Avian Medicine and Surgery
ECAR European College of Animal Reproduction
ECAWBM European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine
ECAAH European College of Aquatic Animal Health
ECLAM European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
ECPHM European College of Porcine Health Management
ECPVS European College of Poultry Veterinary Science
ECSMHM European College of Small Ruminant Health Management
ECVA European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia
ECVCP European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology
ECVD European College of Veterinary Dermatology
ECVDI European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
ECVECC European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care
ECVIM European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
ECVM European College of Veterinary Microbiology
ECVN European College of Veterinary Neurology
ECVO European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
ECVP European College of Veterinary Pathologists
ECVPH European College of Veterinary Public Health
ECVPT European College of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
ECVSMR European College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
ECVS European College of Veterinary Surgeons
ECZM European College of Zoological Medicine
EVDC European Veterinary Dentistry College
EVPC European Veterinary Parasitology College

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Veterinary Certifications: The Alphabet Soup of Specialists - Veterinary Partner - VIN