The following are other websites that deserve recognition and that we feel may be helpful to pet owners seeking further information.
International Renal Interest Society
Treatment and monitoring guidelines for veterinarians.
Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease
An informational site for cat owners on treatment, monitoring, and caring for your own cat in kidney failure.
Weird Stuff We Make
A detailed site with photos on giving subcutaneous fluids to cats.
Morris Animal Foundation
Episode 17: Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
Cornell's Cat Owner's Guide to Kidney Disease
We highly recommend joining a newsgroup or listserv, as there is a great deal of information and support to be gleaned from others who have been there.
Feline CRF Support Group
to join the feline group
Canine CRF Support Group
to join the canine group
Financial Assistance
There are some financial assistance sites to apply for or donate to financial aid for veterinary care.
Care Credit
A credit card program for medical expenses.
A payment plan program for veterinary bills.
Scratch Pay
A payment plan program for veterinary bills.
Good luck with your pet!