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Diseases and Conditions
Allergies & Immune System
Allergy Testing in Horses with Asthma
Chronic Progressive Lymphedema in Draft Horses
Cutaneous Lymphangitis in Horses
Flying Insect Allergy in Horses
Inhalant Allergies and Pruritus in Horses
Relief for Horses During Allergy Season
West Nile Vaccination Response from Horses
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis in Foals
Cancers, Lumps & Bumps
Cancer is a Cellular Delinquent
Sarcoid Skin Tumor Treatment in Horses
Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Horse's Eyelid
Cardiac & Circulatory System: Heart & Blood Vessels
Blood Transfusions for Horses
Equine Heart Health
Heart Murmurs in Horses
Heat Problems in Horses
Toxins Can Cause Heart Disease in Horses
Viral Arteritis in Horses
Dental & Oral
Dental Abnormality Frequency in Horses
Dental Disease of the Incisors and Canine Teeth in Horses
Dental Needs Change as Horses Age
Dental Pulp from New Born Foals Help Orthopedic Disease in Horses
Infection Is a Possible Complication of Tooth Extraction in Horses
Long in the Tooth (An Old Horse Tale)
Oral Ulcers in Horses
Slobbers in Horses
Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses and Cattle
Wolf Teeth in Horses
Dermatology: Skin & Nails
Canker in a Horse's Hoof
Carbon Dioxide Wound Therapy in Horses
Chronic Hoof Abscesses in Horses
Decreased Sweating in Horses
Differences in Horse Sweat
Honey Used for Horse Wounds Should Be Medical Grade
Inhalant Allergies and Pruritus in Horses
Insect Bite Allergies Helped by Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Horses
Novel Bioelectric Wound Healing Device in Horses
Pastern and Heel Dermatitis in Horses
Pastern Dermatitis in Horses
Pastern Dermatitis in Horses Caused by Mites
Pastern Lacerations in Horses
Preventing and Controlling Mange in Horses
Pythiosis in Horses
Rain Scald and Ringworm in Horses
Raised Skin Lesions (Urticaria) are Signs of Disease in Horses
Serious Lower Leg Wounds in Horses and Donkeys
Skin Disease in Horses
Skin Disease in Horses
Skin Tumors in Horses
Staph Pyoderma and Pruritus in Horses
Subcutaneous Emphysema in Horses
Treating Scratches in Horses
Using Platelet Rich Fibrin to Help Healing Equine Wounds
Vitiligo in Horses
Wound Care Products for Horses
Wounds between the Horse's Foreleg and Chest
Digestive System
A Healthy Intestinal Tract May Improve Your Horse’s Response to Vaccines
AAFCO Pet Food Labeling
Adding Fat to your Horse's Diet for Weight Gain
Barometric Pressure and Colic
Best Grazing Time for Horses
Blister Beetles in Horse's Alfalfa Cause Severe GI Irritation, Colic and Death
Chronic Diarrhea in Horses
Colic in Horses is Not a Disease
Colic Surgery for Horses
Colic Update in Horses
Colic: Waiting for the Veterinarian
Diarrhea in Newborn Foals
Digestion in Foals
Digestion in Horses
Digestion of Forage by Horses
Examining a Horse’s Gut with a Camera in a Capsule
Feeds High in Starch Cause Inflammation in Horses
Free Fecal Water Syndrome Isn't Diarrhea in Horses
Gastric Ulcers in Horses
Gastrointestinal Side Effects of NSAID Use in Horses
Impaction Colic in Horses
Initial Management of a Colicky Horse
Myths About Equine Colic Surgery
Older Horses Digestibility
Omeprazole Drugs for Stomach Ulcers in Horses: Some Don't Have Enough Omeprazole
Parasite Control in Horses
Plant Toxins and Liver Disease in Horses
Post-Colic Return to Performance Events in Horses
Preventing Enteroliths in Horses
Preventing Gastric Ulcers in Horses
Recurrent Colic in Horses
Research on Gastric Ulcers in Horses
Right Dorsal Colitis Caused by Phenylbutazone in Horses
Sand Elimination from the Horse's Gastrointestinal Tract
Stomach Ulcers in Donkeys
Supplement Effectiveness on Equine Stomach Ulcers
Treating Equine Stomach Ulcers with Omeprazole
Problems with the Ear Canal of Horses
Endocrine: Diabetes, Thyroid, Adrenal
Cushing's Diagnosis Using Hair Samples from Horses
Hyperinsulinemia in Horses
Insulin Response in Healthy Older Horses
Monitoring Horses with Cushing’s Disease
Preventing Founder in Horses
Thyroid Supplementation for Horses
Corneal Ulcer Treatment in Horses with Cushing's Disease
Equine Recurrent Uveitis in Horses
Excessive Tearing in Horses
Eye Issues in Foals
Moon Blindness (Recurrent Uveitis) in Horses
Ocular Disease in Horses
Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Horse's Eyelid
Summer Sores are around a Horse's Eye
Vision in Horses
First Aid
Blood Loss from Lacerations in Horses
CPR in Foals
CPR in New-borne Foals
Emergency Care for Horses
Exhausted Horse Syndrome
First Aid for Horses
Laceration Treatment to the Horse's Hoof Wall
Infections: Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Parasites
Antibiotic Use in Horse Reproduction
Biosecurity for Show Horses
Botulism is Being Seen more Frequently in Horses
Brucellosis from Raw Milk Consumption
Canker in a Horse's Hoof
Contagious Disease Prevention in Horses
Corona is a Fairly New Viral Disease in Horses
Dewormer Resistance Increasing in Horses
Disease Protection at Horse Shows
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) Diagnosis in Horses
Foal Diarrhea Caused by Lawsonia
Guttural Pouch Infections in Horses
Herpes Virus in Horses
Herpes Virus Vaccination in Horses
Hoof Care in Horses
Horses Are Susceptible to the COVID-19 Virus
Infection Is a Possible Complication of Tooth Extraction in Horses
Intestinal Parasite Egg Shedding in Horses
Mosquito-Transmitted Disease Vaccines for Horses
Once Weekly Treatment to Prevent EPM In Horses
Parasite Resistance in Horses
Pastern Dermatitis in Horses Caused by Mites
Pigeon Fever in Horses
Pinworms in Horses
Piroplasmosis and How to Protect your Horse
Piroplasmosis in Horses
Potomac Horse Fever Sometimes Fatal
Preventing Contagious Diseases in Horses
Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) in Horses
Pythiosis (Oomycosis, Lagenidiosis, Swamp Cancer, Bursatti, Leeches) in Dogs, Cats and Horses
Pythiosis in Horses
Rabies in Animals
Rabies in Horses
Rhodococcus equi in Foals
Rhodococcus Pneumonia Uncommon in Horses
Ringworm in Horses
Severe Skin Infection of the Horse’s Legs Called Cellulitis
Strangles Infections in Horses
Strep Immune-Mediated Myopathies in Horses
Thrush in Horse’s Hooves
Treating Equine Parasites with Fenbendazole
Viral Arteritis in Horses
West Nile Protection for your Horse
White Line Disease in Horses
Nervous System: Brain, Nerves & Spinal Cord
Blood Testing for EPM in Horses
Dummy Foals Have Nervous System Signs
Hoof Abscess Treatment in a Horse
Neurological Diseases with Long Term Consequences in Horses
Neurological Problems in Horses
Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) in Horses
Respiratory vs. Nervous System Disease in Horses
Sacroiliac Pain in Horses
Sleep Disorders in Horses
Nose & Sinuses
Nasal Discharge in Horses
Sinus Disease in Horses
Blood Builders in Performance Horses
Carbohydrate Concentrations Affected by Grass Height for Grazing Horses
Cobalt Use Has No Known Benefit for Performance Horses
Dehydration and Electrolyte Loss in Horses
Diet’s Effect on Horse Behavior
Feeding to Prevent Colic in Horses
High Potassium Levels in Horses
Is Your Horse Predisposed to Insulin-Related Laminitis?
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Horses, aka Big Head Disease
Orthopedic: Bones, Joints & Muscles
Acupuncture for Axial Stiffness in Horses
Aquatic Therapy for Horses
Are your Horses Feet Being Trimmed Correctly?
Arthritis in Horses
Arthritis in the Neck Can Cause Equine Lameness
Arthritis Treatment in Horses
Back or Neck Pain in Horses
Back Pain in Horses
Bandaging Horse's Legs
Barefoot Versus Shod Horses
Capped Elbow Treatment Difficult in Horses
Coffin Bone Tumor in a Horse
Coronary Band Dystrophy in Horses
Corticosteroids Clearance Times Following Joint Injections in Horses
Cortisone and Laminitis in Horses
Crooked Tail Carriage in Horses
Diagnosing Lameness in a Horse’s Rear Legs
Equine Reflex Hypertonia (Stringhalt)
Examining your Horse's Foot
Feeding Horses with Pasture-Associated Laminitis
Foot Injuries in Horses
Fractures in a Horse’s Back More Common than Suspected
Frequency of Joint Injections in Horses
Hindlimb Suspensory Ligament Disease in Horses
Hip and Pelvic Issues in Horses
Hock Arthrodesis with Ethyl Alcohol in Horses
Hoof Pain Treatment in Horses
Hoof Wall Cracks in Horses
How Hind Hooves Are Trimmed Can Affect Your Horse’s Posture
Infrared Thermography for Diagnosing Lameness in Horses
Initial Treatment of Tendon Injuries in Horses
Is Hot or Cold Treatment Best for Horse’s Tendon Injury?
Kissing Spines in Horses is Hereditary
Lacerations to the Horses Hoof Wall
Lameness Evaluation in Horses
Laminitis in Donkeys
Longeing’s Potential Effect on Your Horse’s Joints
Lower Leg Problems in Newborn Foals
Muscular Disorders in Athletic Horses
Navicular Bursal Injection in Horses
Navicular Lameness (Heel Pain) in Horses
Neck Pain in Horses
Nutritional Tips to Prevent Tying Up Syndrome in Your Horse
Palmar Foot Pain in Horses
Palmar Foot Pain Treatment
Physitis in Young Horses
Problems in a Recumbent Horse
Proximal Suspensory Ligament Injury in Horses
Rehabilitation of Tendon Injuries in Horses
Rein Lameness in Horses
Sacroiliac Pain in Horses
Seasonal Pasture Myopathy in Horses
Shivers in Horses
Splint Bone Disease in Horses
Splint Bone Fractures in Horses
Stem Cell Treatments in Horses
Subsolar Bruising in Horses
Suspensory Ligament Injuries in Horses
Tendon Injury Treatments for Horses
Tendonitis Treatment in Horses with Urinary Bladder Matrix
Treating Clubfoot in Horses
Tying up in Quarter Horses and Other Breeds
Upward Fixation of the Patella is Common in Horses
Using Bisphosphonates to Treat Navicular Disease in Horses
Using Prednisolone in Horses with Laminitis and Founder
X-rays Can Help while Trimming Horse's Hooves
Reproductive System
Antibiotic Use in Horse Reproduction
Artificial Insemination Techniques for Horses
Blue Light Masks Help Brood Mares Cycle Early
Breeding the Older Maiden Mare
Breeding-Induced Endometritis in Horses
Complications of Equine Castration
Cryptorchid Stallions
Cryptorchid Testicle Descent in Horses
Necrotic Vaginitis in Horses and Donkeys
Placentitis in Mares
Retained Placenta in Horses
Septic Metritis in Mares
Respiratory System: Lungs & Airways
Bleeding in the Lungs of Endurance Horses
Complications Using Glass Balls to Suppress a Mare's Estrus
Diagnosing Asthma in Horses
Guttural Pouch Infections in Horses
Respiratory vs. Nervous System Disease in Horses
Small Airway Inflammatory Disease in Horses
Viral Respiratory Disease in Horses
Why Is Your Horse Coughing?
Care & Husbandry
Breeding & Foal Care
Adopting an Orphan Foal
Blue Light Masks Help Brood Mares Cycle Early
Breeding a Performance Mare
Breeding the Older Maiden Mare
Broodmare Management
Complications of Equine Castration
Complications Using Glass Balls to Suppress a Mare's Estrus
CPR in Foals
CPR in New-borne Foals
Deciding to Breed your Mare
Dummy Foals Have Nervous System Signs
Embryo Transfer in Mares
Estrous Behavior in Mules
Estrous Cycle Control in Mares
Exercising Mares in Early Pregnancy
Factors Affecting Pregnancy in Performance Mares
Feeding the Lean Lactating Mare at Weaning
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis in Foals
Newborn Foal Examination
Nutritional Recommendations for Brood Mares just before Winter
Pain Relief in Newborn Calves
pH Testing of Milk Predicts Foaling Time In Mares
Physitis in Young Horses
Preparing for Your Mare to Foal
Progesterone Supplementation in Mares
Reproduction in Obese Horses
Retained Placenta in Horses
Diet & Nutrition
Best Grazing Time for Horses
Carbohydrate Concentrations Affected by Grass Height for Grazing Horses
Change your Horse's Diet Slowly
Choosing Hay for Horses
Cobalt Use Has No Known Benefit for Performance Horses
Consider Feeding Larger Harder Pelleted Feeds to your Horses
Decreasing Horse Colic in Winter
Dietary Tips for Hauling Horses
Digestion in Foals
Digestion in Horses
Digestion of Forage by Horses
Electrolyte Supplementation in Horses
Excessive Water Consumption in Horses
Extruded Horse Feed vs Pelleted Horse Feed
Feed Routines and GI Disease in Horses
Feeding a New Horse
Feeding Alfalfa Hay Before Riding Your Horse
Feeding Alfalfa to Horses
Feeding Beet Pulp to Horses
Feeding Bran Mashes to Horses
Feeding Bread to Horses
Feeding Concentrate to Horses
Feeding Corn to Horses
Feeding Donkeys and Mules
Feeding Fat to Horses
Feeding Horses During and after Colic
Feeding Horses with a Hay Net
Feeding Pumpkin to Your Horse
Feeding Recommendations for Miniature Horses
Feeding Strategies for Senior Horses
Feeding Your Horse
Feeds High in Starch Cause Inflammation in Horses
Flavoring Water Can Increase Water Consumption in Horses
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance in Endurance Horses
Grazing Muzzles Can Decrease Pasture Consumption
Hay and Asthma in Horses
Hay Damaged by Rain for Horses and Cattle
Hay Replacement Options for Horses
Hay Storage Tips
Hay Waste for Horses Affected by Feeders
High Potassium Levels in Horses
High-Starch Diets and Horse Reactivity
Horse Feed, When is it Too Old to Use
Increase Horse's Water Consumption in the Winter
Is Your Horse Fat?
Long Stem vs Short Stem Hay for Horses
Low Carb Diets for Horses
Meals and the Horse's Intestinal Tract
Monensin Poisoning in Horses
Nutrition for Horses
Nutrition in Foals
Obese or "Pleasantly Plump" Horses
Older Horses Digestibility
Omega 3 Fatty Acid Use in Allergic Horses
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Affect a Horse's Insulin Sensitivity
Oral Joint Supplements in Senior Horses
Overweight Ponies Should Work for Food
Preventing Enteroliths in Horses
Preventing Founder in Horses
Putting Weight on a Skinny Horse
Ration Analysis Begins with a Complete Forage Analysis for Horses
Round Bale Hay Storage
Salt Levels in your Horses Ration
Sand Elimination from the Horse's Gastrointestinal Tract
Severe Dehydration and the Exhausted Horse
Soaking Hay to Remove Sugar for Horses
Supplement Effectiveness on Equine Stomach Ulcers
Supplements for Horses
Techniques for Feeding Hay to Horses
Tifton 85 Grass versus Coastal Bermuda for Horses
Vitamin E May Be Helpful in Stressed Horses
Water, Horses Drinking Too Much?
Weight Loss in Foals
Weight Loss in Horses
Weight Loss in Horses
What is Grass Hay for Horses?
When Is Feed Too Old for Horses?
Winter Hay and Pasture Testing for Horses
Barn Construction for Horses
Blanketing a Horse when Temperatures Increase May Cause Heat Stress
Blanketing your Horse in Winter
Cleaning and Disinfecting Horse Stalls and Trailers
Decreasing Horse Colic in Winter
Disaster Preparedness for Livestock
Disease Protection at Horse Shows
Dust Management in your Riding Arena
Extreme Heat Care for Horses
Feeding Horses with Pasture-Associated Laminitis
Free Fecal Water Syndrome Isn't Diarrhea in Horses
Herpes Virus Vaccination in Horses
Horse Hay and Pasture Testing for the Winter
Preventing Fire in your Horse Barn
Slobbers in Horses
Water Quality Testing for Horses
Altering a Horse's Tail and the Ethics behind It
Ban on Soring Horses
Barn Effect on Performance Horses
Phenylbutazone and Fatal Injuries in Thoroughbred Racehorses
Phenylbutazone is a Risk Factor for Breakdown Injuries in Racehorses
Soring Horses is Illegal and Unethical
General Care: Vaccines & More
Acupuncture for Axial Stiffness in Horses
Adequan and Polyglycan in Horses
Are your Horses Feet Being Trimmed Correctly?
Before You Buy That Horse-Pre-Purchase Exams
Biosecurity for Show Horses
Cold Therapy to Prevent Laminitis in Horses
Common Diseases of Hedgehogs
Contagious Disease Prevention in Horses
Corona Virus Testing in Horses
Decreasing Antibiotic Resistance in Horses
Dental Needs Change as Horses Age
Determining Equine Stress from Facial Expressions
Determining the Health of your Horse
Dewormer Resistance Increasing in Horses
Disposal of Used Needles in a Horse Barn
Donkey Basics
Dormosedan Gel Use in Horses
Equine Nutrition
Equine Psychology
Equioxx vs. Previcox in Horses
Examining your Horse's Foot
Exercise and Sweat in Horses
Extra Label Drug Use in Horses
Farriers and Difficult Horses
Fever in Horses
Frequency of Joint Injections in Horses
Gastrointestinal Side Effects of NSAID Use in Horses
General Anesthesia in Senior Horses
Genetic Testing for Equine Diseases
Honey Used for Horse Wounds Should Be Medical Grade
Horse Hay and Pasture Testing for the Winter
How Often Should you Bathe your Horse?
Hydrotherapy Used in Equine Rehabilitation
Influenza Vaccination in Horses
Injecting Alcohol into Horse's Hock Joints
Injuries in Horses
Insect Bite Allergies Helped by Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Horses
Intramuscular Injection Complications
Know your Horse’s Normal Temperature
Laparoscopy is Minimally Invasive Surgery in Horses
Laser Therapy in Horses
Longeing’s Potential Effect on Your Horse’s Joints
Magnetic Blankets
Managing Older Horses
Microchipping in Horses
Moldy Hay Fed to Horses
Mosquito Control Tips for Horse Owners
Nails in a Horse’s Foot can be Deadly
New Information About Horse Deworming
New Method for Taking Your Horse’s Temperature
Non-Chemical Parasite Control for Horses
Oral Joint Supplements in Senior Horses
Pain Determination in a Horse
Pain Indicators in Ridden Horses
Parasite Control in Horses
Pre-purchase Exam in Horses
Preventing and Controlling Mange in Horses
Preventing Contagious Diseases in Horses
Preventing Gastric Ulcers in Horses
Previcox not for use in Horses
Quest (Moxidectin) as a Dewormer in Horses
Recovery of Jumping Horses after an Event
Red Blood Cell Count Can Judge Horse's Racing Ability
Red or Orange Equine Urine in Snow
Saddle Fit and the Tree Width’s Effect on Horse’s Thoracic Spines
Saddle Fit Assessment
Safe Horse Handling during Treatment or Sedation
Safely Handling a Recumbent Horse
Senior Horse Care
Senior Horse Care Tips
Shock Wave Treatment for Arthritic Horses
Side Effects of Bute in Horses
Single Bell Boot Can Increase Strength in a Horse’s Leg
Stall Bedding Affects Horse Behavior
Stallion Behavior Drugs
Stallion Handling
Strangles Vaccination for your Horse
Sunburn and Photosensitization in Horses
Teixobactin Antibiotic Helps with Resistant Organisms
Tetanus Antitoxin Compared to Tetanus Toxoid Use in Horses
The Risk of Rectal Palpation in Horses
The Veterinarian and Farrier Relationship
Too Hot to Ride Your Horse?
Transitioning Your Horse from Shod to Barefoot
Transporting Horses
USEF Vaccination Rules for Horses
Using Platelet Rich Fibrin to Help Healing Equine Wounds
Using Prednisolone in Horses with Laminitis and Founder
Vaccinating Foals at the Appropriate Time
Vaccinations for Your Horse
Vaccine Effectiveness can be Reduced by NSAIDs in Horses
Veterinary Skills for Horse Owners
Warming up Your Horse to Prevent Injuries
Water Quality Testing for Horses
Weight that your Horse Can Carry Comfortably
Wellness Visits for Older Horses and Pets
West Nile Protection for your Horse
West Nile Vaccination Response from Horses
Wounds between the Horse's Foreleg and Chest
Wrapping that Horse’s Leg?
Hoof Care: No Hoof, No Horse
Acupuncture for Laminitis in Horses
Before You Buy That Horse-Pre-Purchase Exams
Contracted Heels in Horses and Metal Horseshoes
Hard Surface Impacts on Horse's Limbs
Healthy Hooves Help Arthritic Joints in Horses
Hoof Care in Horses
Horse Hoof Sole Packing Reduces Impact Vibrations
How Hind Hooves Are Trimmed Can Affect Your Horse’s Posture
Long Toes Related to Horse's Hip Pain
Many Equine Hoof Problems Require X-rays
Riding Arena Footing Materials for Horses
Seasons Affect Travel Patterns and Hoof Growth in Horses
Sheared Heels in Horses
Subsolar Bruising in Horses
Thoroughbred Horse's Feet
Thrush in Horse’s Hooves
Trimming and Reshoeing Gives Comfort to Horses
Contaminated Feed
Hay Damaged by Rain for Horses and Cattle
Moldy Hay Fed to Horses
Nitrate and Nitrite Poisoning in Horses
Poisonous Plants & Venomous Animals
Equine Reflex Hypertonia (Stringhalt)
Plant Toxins and Liver Disease in Horses
Rattlesnake Bites' Effect on Horses' Hearts
Toxins Can Cause Heart Disease in Horses
Aggression, Anxiety & Fear
Abnormal Behavior in Horses
Antianxiety Supplements in Horses
Behavioral Problems in Horses
Calming Drugs for Horses
Cribbing in Horses
Horse Grimace Scale to Measure Pain
Recognizing Stress in Horses
Stallion-like Behavior in Geldings
Enrichment & Exercise
Conditioning Horses on Water Treadmills
Cribbing / Wind Sucking Behavior and Colic in Horses
Equine Stereotypical Behaviors
Eye Contact in Horse Behavior
Social Interactions of Unfamiliar Horses
Understanding a Horse’s Mind
Vacation Stress in Horses
Wrinkles above a Horse's Eye Indicate Mood
Introducing New Experiences
Horses' First Experience with Anything New Should Be a Positive Experience
Positive Reinforcement Training for Horses
Safe Horse Handling
Treating the Untouchable Horse
Twitch Use in Horses
Reptiles & Amphibians
Small Mammals
Healthy Pets, Happy Owners
About Veterinary Partner
Diseases and Conditions
Allergies & Immune System
Allergy Testing in Horses with Asthma
April 8, 2022
Equine asthma is the most common non-infectious respiratory disease occurring in adult horses. It seems mold spores are the cause of an allergic reaction leading to symptoms of asthma such as labored breathing and coughing.
Chronic Progressive Lymphedema in Draft Horses
March 23, 2015
Clinical signs are progressive swelling, thickening of the skin, and scarring of the legs, which can be debilitating in these horses.
Cutaneous Lymphangitis in Horses
May 6, 2019
Cutaneous lymphangitis in horses is inflammation of lymph vessels of the horse's skin, usually below the hock, that leads to a leg swelling commonly called big leg.
Flying Insect Allergy in Horses
March 5, 2019
Disturbing the manure once a week will prevent fly eggs from hatching.
Inhalant Allergies and Pruritus in Horses
April 17, 2018
If your horse is scratching in winter, there are multiple possible causes, such as allergies to pollen or food.
Relief for Horses During Allergy Season
May 3, 2023
Allergies are not uncommon in horses, especially this time of year, but there are options to help these horses.
West Nile Vaccination Response from Horses
December 23, 2015
Should you use a combination vaccines, or West Nile vaccine separately?
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis in Foals
April 1, 2007
A condition called neonatal isoerythrolysis can develop in newborn foals that causes the destruction of their red blood cells. It is a lot easier to prevent this syndrome than treat it.
Cancers, Lumps & Bumps
Cancer is a Cellular Delinquent
March 9, 2015
Cancer cells go mad systematically. The cellular delinquents bust past the body's natural immune system, as though a gate was left open, burgeoning into abnormal cells.
Sarcoid Skin Tumor Treatment in Horses
August 10, 2015
While a sarcoid does not spread to other organs, it can invade surrounding tissue.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Horse's Eyelid
May 25, 2015
This tumor is most common on horses with white skin around their eyes.
Cardiac & Circulatory System: Heart & Blood Vessels
Blood Transfusions for Horses
December 28, 2015
Although blood transfusions in horse's are rarely needed, it can be needed
Equine Heart Health
July 1, 2022
The equine heart is a very healthy organ and is rarely a cause of disease. Horses don’t have human-style heart attacks but can have other heart issues.
Heart Murmurs in Horses
January 22, 2020
If the horse you want to buy has a heart murmur, should you buy it?
Heat Problems in Horses
March 31, 2014
The most important fact is to know how much water your horse is drinking and if it is not enough, contact a veterinarian before dehydration develops.
Toxins Can Cause Heart Disease in Horses
October 18, 2017
Some heart disease in horses can be caused by toxins.
Viral Arteritis in Horses
August 21, 2017
Equine viral arteritis, or EVA, is a contagious disease. Stallions shed it in their semen.
Dental & Oral
Dental Abnormality Frequency in Horses
November 16, 2015
Since most horses eat processed feeds that do not encourage proper tooth usage, minor dental disease becomes severe abnormalities.
Dental Disease of the Incisors and Canine Teeth in Horses
May 6, 2019
A new condition affects a horse's incisors, and sometimes the canine teeth, called equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis, or EOTRH for short.
Dental Needs Change as Horses Age
November 14, 2018
We used to think that horses did not need dental care until they were 8 to 10 years old, but now we know that horses of all ages need dental exams and possible treatment.
Dental Pulp from New Born Foals Help Orthopedic Disease in Horses
April 9, 2018
The newest treatments for arthritis, tendon and ligament injuries is called regenerative medicine, which uses stem cells to aid in healing.
Infection Is a Possible Complication of Tooth Extraction in Horses
December 19, 2018
Lots of older horses will develop cupped out and shortened teeth, tooth fractures, and periodontal disease because feed becomes packed between the teeth and can lead to infection.
Long in the Tooth (An Old Horse Tale)
September 20, 2023
As your horse enters old age, dental exams become even more important.
Oral Ulcers in Horses
November 11, 2013
Bute paste can cause oral ulcers.
Slobbers in Horses
October 21, 2013
A common cause of excessive salivation is a condition appropriately called slobbers.
Vesicular Stomatitis in Horses and Cattle
December 7, 2015
The major concern with this disease is not the damage it causes, but that it resembles foot and mouth disease, a serious foreign animal disease.
Wolf Teeth in Horses
August 27, 2019
There is no scientific evidence that a bit causes pain with wolf teeth.
Dermatology: Skin & Nails
Canker in a Horse's Hoof
August 27, 2020
Canker results from a bacterium that causes the tissue in the frog and heel bulb region of a horse's foot to grow or proliferate abnormally.
Carbon Dioxide Wound Therapy in Horses
July 22, 2022
One of the newest ways to treat equine wounds is carbon dioxide therapy, and carbon dioxide has shown promise in humans with chronic wounds due to diabetes. However, the effectiveness of the treatment in horses is questionable.
Chronic Hoof Abscesses in Horses
December 16, 2020
If your horse continually develops hoof abscesses or does not respond to treatment, there must be an underlying problem
Decreased Sweating in Horses
October 3, 2017
One of the problems many horses face during the summer is the inability to sweat, a condition called anhidrosis.
Differences in Horse Sweat
August 9, 2016
Thick and foamy sweat contains a protein called latherin. Latherin is a detergent-like protein that helps move sweat away from the skin to the surface of the coat, and once the coat gets damp, there is a greater opportunity for evaporative cooling.
Honey Used for Horse Wounds Should Be Medical Grade
May 12, 2020
It appears bacteria do not develop resistance to medical grade honey
Inhalant Allergies and Pruritus in Horses
April 17, 2018
If your horse is scratching in winter, there are multiple possible causes, such as allergies to pollen or food.
Insect Bite Allergies Helped by Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Horses
March 9, 2016
Hypersensitivity to flying insects such as flies and mosquitos is the most common cause of itching in horses.
Novel Bioelectric Wound Healing Device in Horses
September 29, 2014
This bioelectric device could be used as an option, particularly in instances of proud flesh.
Pastern and Heel Dermatitis in Horses
December 4, 2006
Inflammation and infection can develop that can be extremely painful. Scabs and crusts form in the area that further increase the pain. These cases may look simple but can be difficult to treat and your veterinarian should be contacted.
Pastern Dermatitis in Horses
July 5, 2018
Equine pastern dermatitis is a condition of irritated skin that occurs on the horse's lower leg between the hoof and fetlock but can sometimes extend above the fetlock.
Pastern Dermatitis in Horses Caused by Mites
January 27, 2016
Although owners do not like the horse's feathers clipped, this is critical in most cases to kill the mites by using lime sulfur dip or frontline spray topically on the legs.
Pastern Lacerations in Horses
April 7, 2008
Lacerations of the pastern area are difficult to heal because every time the horse takes a step, the laceration on the back of the pastern opens and closes.
Preventing and Controlling Mange in Horses
April 20, 2015
Mange basically means a disease caused by mites, but there are many different types of mites.
Pythiosis in Horses
September 28, 2009
If your horse has a rapidly growing skin lesion that is not responding to normal wound treatment, contact your vet as soon as possible because early cases of pythiosis have a much better prognosis than ongoing cases.
Rain Scald and Ringworm in Horses
March 26, 2012
Ringworm is a fungus, and rain scald is caused by a bacterium that is normally present on horse's skin but it does not cause a problem unless the skin is damaged.
Raised Skin Lesions (Urticaria) are Signs of Disease in Horses
November 10, 2014
Urticaria, or raised skin lesions, is not a disease in itself, but it is a clinical sign.
Serious Lower Leg Wounds in Horses and Donkeys
March 26, 2020
It's not a good idea to only treat a lower leg wound topically and see what happens
Skin Disease in Horses
May 6, 2019
Many equine skin diseases appear similar to the eye. There are multiple causes of lumps and bumps on the skin, and many of them require different treatments.
Skin Disease in Horses
March 29, 2021
Something must irritate the area to start the process
Skin Tumors in Horses
April 25, 2011
The skin is the most common site for tumors in horses.
Staph Pyoderma and Pruritus in Horses
December 2, 2007
One of the most common causes of itchy skin is a bacterial infection of the skin.
Subcutaneous Emphysema in Horses
June 1, 2021
Although it seems you could just stick a needle in the horse’s skin to remove the air, you can't
Treating Scratches in Horses
February 17, 2023
Scratches, a condition that affects the horse’s lower legs, can be difficult to treat and prevent.
Using Platelet Rich Fibrin to Help Healing Equine Wounds
November 24, 2020
Platelet rich fibrin may be helpful for healing equine lower leg wounds
Vitiligo in Horses
June 24, 2023
Some horses can develop a lack of skin pigmentation, usually around their eyes, called vitiligo.
Wound Care Products for Horses
January 16, 2017
Many products available can be applied topically on equine wounds; and some are good and some are not so good.
Wounds between the Horse's Foreleg and Chest
March 10, 2016
The area between a horse's foreleg and chest, where the front leg is attached to the chest, is a common area in which horses get injured and lacerated.
Digestive System
A Healthy Intestinal Tract May Improve Your Horse’s Response to Vaccines
February 1, 2023
Horses can respond to vaccines differently, and your horse's
response to vaccines may be related to the health of their gut.
AAFCO Pet Food Labeling
May 4, 2023
Pet food labeling does not provide detailed nutritional information and it’s easily misunderstood by pet owners
Adding Fat to your Horse's Diet for Weight Gain
August 15, 2016
To provide energy by feeding something other than carbohydrates, giving fat is a good option and there are several sources of fat for horses.
Barometric Pressure and Colic
January 10, 2024
Horses seem to colic when the weather changes.
Best Grazing Time for Horses
August 29, 2016
The amount of fructan in the grass varies with the type of grass, time of day, season, and the part of the plant ingested.
Blister Beetles in Horse's Alfalfa Cause Severe GI Irritation, Colic and Death
November 18, 2023
The striped blister beetle in the southwestern part of the country causes the most problems as they feed on alfalfa blooms
Chronic Diarrhea in Horses
July 29, 2019
Chronic diarrhea is not uncommon in horses and can be a real difficult problem to diagnose and treat.
Colic in Horses is Not a Disease
January 29, 2020
Colic is not a disease but only a clinical sign of a disease
Colic Surgery for Horses
August 5, 2022
Colic is likely the most common health condition seen in horses. But should you treat your horse at home, or will your veterinarian recommend surgery?
Colic Update in Horses
March 27, 2018
Colic is the most common cause of death in horses over 30 days of age.
Colic: What to Do while Waiting for the Veterinarian
July 5, 2018
There is really nothing medically you can do that will make a lot of difference in the outcome, but remaining calm may help your horse stay calmer also.
Diarrhea in Newborn Foals
June 27, 2016
Diarrhea in newborn foals can develop as a result of inflammation in the GI tract, decreased motility, increased secretion of fluid in the tract, and other causes.
Digestion in Foals
April 27, 2016
After 2 months of age, the foal's hindgut begins a period of maturation that lasts until about 6 months of age.
Digestion in Horses
March 12, 2012
Horses can eat grass or hay, but they were designed to eat native grass by grazing on thousands of acres.
Digestion of Forage by Horses
June 4, 2012
The reason we see so many colic and founder cases is because horses are being fed in a manner that their body was not designed to support.
Examining a Horse’s Gut with a Camera in a Capsule
September 9, 2019
A tiny capsule with a camera inside allows visualizing a large portion of the GI tract for abnormalities
Feeds High in Starch Cause Inflammation in Horses
September 27, 2022
High-starch meals can lead to inflammation, and feeds high in starch are not recommended for some horses, especially for those horses that are older or overweight.
Free Fecal Water Syndrome Isn't Diarrhea in Horses
March 29, 2017
With free fecal water syndrome, the stool is normal but small amounts of very thin water with a small amount of feces are passed before, after or during defecation.
Gastric Ulcers in Horses
August 28, 2017
Exercise and stress play a role in equine gastric ulcers.
Gastrointestinal Side Effects of NSAID Use in Horses
February 8, 2023
Pain medications are commonly used in horses, but some medications may be causing more gastrointestinal problems than previously thought.
Impaction Colic in Horses
January 11, 2016
It is critical that impactions are treated early because many of them are related to dehydration, and an area of the intestine becomes dry and prevents movement of ingesta.
Initial Management of a Colicky Horse
July 12, 2021
Horses with colic generally show mild or moderate pain but they can have severe pain. Because of this, all horses with colic need to be examined by a veterinarian because without an exam, it is difficult to determine if the problem is merely mild gas colic or more serious.
Myths About Equine Colic Surgery
March 14, 2023
You never want to hear your veterinarian say your horse needs colic surgery, but it does, unfortunately, occur from time to time. There are a few myths about this surgery.
Older Horses Digestibility
September 28, 2015
You may not need to change diets just because your horse is getting older.
Omeprazole Drugs for Stomach Ulcers in Horses: Some Don't Have Enough Omeprazole
June 1, 2015
Testing by the FDA revealed that some of these unapproved products contained as little as 36% of the omeprazole claimed on the label to as much as 135% of the amount claimed.
Parasite Control in Horses
July 16, 2007
It is possible that the deworming medication you are giving your horse may not be effective in killing parasites.
Plant Toxins and Liver Disease in Horses
July 15, 2022
Liver disease is not common in horses, but when it occurs it is usually due to toxins the horse has eaten.
Post-Colic Return to Performance Events in Horses
December 2, 2014
Whether or not to perform colic surgery is a difficult decision for many owners as the surgery is expensive and if the horse survives, the question is will the horse be useful for his intended purpose in the future.
Preventing Enteroliths in Horses
November 6, 2017
An unusual type of colic in horses is due to a large stone called an enterolith that forms in the intestine and can partially or completely block it.
Preventing Gastric Ulcers in Horses
September 16, 2007
Most ulcers in horses are man made as they are uncommon in wild horses and horses that graze on large amounts of acreage.
Recurrent Colic in Horses
November 3, 2015
The reason some horses experience recurrent colic may be unknown.
Research on Gastric Ulcers in Horses
June 21, 2021
50-90% of horses suffer from gastric ulcers, and performance and racehorses are the most susceptible
Right Dorsal Colitis Caused by Phenylbutazone in Horses
October 9, 2017
Bute's most common side effect is a condition called right dorsal colitis, which is a potentially deadly inflammation of the right dorsal colon.
Sand Elimination from the Horse's Gastrointestinal Tract
March 1, 2016
Sand colic is one of the most common causes of horses who have recurrent colic.
Stomach Ulcers in Donkeys
June 30, 2020
Like horses, donkeys can get stomach ulcers but for unknown reasons
Supplement Effectiveness on Equine Stomach Ulcers
February 28, 2017
Stomach ulcers are common in performance horses.
Treating Equine Stomach Ulcers with Omeprazole
December 9, 2021
A large number of performance horses suffer from gastric or stomach ulcers. A recent study reveals a method to make treatment more successful and potentially less expensive.
Problems with the Ear Canal of Horses
November 20, 2018
Because of the difficulty in examining the ears of some horses, ear problems may be more plentiful than we think.
Endocrine: Diabetes, Thyroid, Adrenal
Cushing's Diagnosis Using Hair Samples from Horses
September 25, 2017
There are several recommended tests to diagnose Cushing's disease, but all of them have some questions as far as accuracy, especially in early cases.
Hyperinsulinemia in Horses
November 20, 2017
So if your horse has ever foundered, the insulin levels should be checked as the cause may be Cushing's disease or equine metabolic syndrome.
Insulin Response in Healthy Older Horses
September 19, 2018
Restricting the amount of sugar and starch or nonstructural carbohydrates in the diet of all older horses is a good idea.
Monitoring Horses with Cushing’s Disease
February 19, 2022
Preventing Founder in Horses
January 6, 2014
Horses with equine metabolic syndrome should be fed a low-carbohydrate diet to prevent founder.
Thyroid Supplementation for Horses
December 21, 2022
Although horses do not routinely develop hypothyroidism, many horses are given thyroid supplements.
Corneal Ulcer Treatment in Horses with Cushing's Disease
October 30, 2017
If the horse is older and could have Cushing's, treatment must be aggressive to prevent loss of the eye.
Equine Recurrent Uveitis in Horses
February 20, 2019
Leptospirosis is the most common and well-known infectious organism associated with ERU but the clear association and development of it is still not well understood.
Excessive Tearing in Horses
October 19, 2015
There are multiple causes for excessive tearing. Some are important and require a veterinary exam while other causes may be temporary and can clear up without treatment.
Eye Issues in Foals
May 23, 2016
Horse's eyes are very sensitive and the foal's eyes are even more sensitive, so it is critical to make sure the eyes are normal at birth.
Moon Blindness (Recurrent Uveitis) in Horses
July 5, 2018
The most common cause of blindness in horses is a condition called equine recurrent uveitis or ERU.
Ocular Disease in Horses
January 30, 2024
Horses can get such severe infections that they can go blind in just a few hours.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Horse's Eyelid
May 25, 2015
This tumor is most common on horses with white skin around their eyes.
Summer Sores are around a Horse's Eye
July 17, 2017
Summer sores, technically called habronemiasis, are lesions on the skin or around the eyes.
Vision in Horses
May 24, 2018
Today we are going to talk about vision in horses and what a horse sees and doesn't see compared to humans.
First Aid
Blood Loss from Lacerations in Horses
September 12, 2011
Stay as calm as possible, and do not give any medication, especially sedatives.
CPR in Foals
November 29, 2010
CPR is indicated in any case in which the foal stops breathing or does not have a heartbeat.
CPR in Newborn Foals
February 7, 2012
A large percentage of foals that die shortly after birth do so because of a lack of oxygen; more foals die from respiratory problems than heart problems.
Emergency Care for Horses
September 3, 2007
If you have horses, at some point you will be faced with an emergency. The first thing to do, of course, is to call your vet. But until your vet arrives, there are some things you can do to help your horse.
Exhausted Horse Syndrome
June 17, 2022
Horse owners with performance horses need to be familiar with exhausted horse syndrome, which refers to a horse becoming fatigued. Caused by heat, poor conditioning, and other factors, this can be a potentially serious condition.
First Aid for Horses
July 13, 2015
During trail rides and other equine activities, you need to be prepared for emergencies.
Laceration Treatment to the Horse's Hoof Wall
November 21, 2016
One of the common injuries we see in horses is one to the hoof wall, in which the hoof wall is detached from the underneath tissue.
Infections: Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Parasites
Antibiotic Use in Horse Reproduction
August 16, 2010
For uterine infections, it is common to infuse antibiotics in the uterus. A lot of these mares have material in their uterus that will inactivate the antibiotics, so it is always a good idea to flush the uterus with large volumes of sterile solutions before infusing.
Biosecurity for Show Horses
March 1, 2022
Exposing your horses to other horses increases the risk of certain diseases like equine herpes virus, equine influenza and strangles. If you are hauling your horses from your property, biosecurity is important to prevent infectious disease. It is important to make sure your horse is currently vaccinated
Botulism is Being Seen more Frequently in Horses
February 18, 2014
Botulism can affect all warm blooded animals, but horses are particularly sensitive. Type B botulism is the most common.
Brucellosis from Raw Milk Consumption
August 10, 2018
Brucellosis is a very serious disease in animals and people and drinking raw milk should be discouraged as the risks of developing disease are not worth taking the chance.
Canker in a Horse's Hoof
August 27, 2020
Canker results from a bacterium that causes the tissue in the frog and heel bulb region of a horse's foot to grow or proliferate abnormally.
Contagious Disease Prevention in Horses
December 19, 2011
Prevent contagious diseases from infecting your horses both at your stable and when hauling your horse to other facilities.
Corona is a Fairly New Viral Disease in Horses
March 16, 2015
Thirty years ago, this virus was founds in foals and other immunocompromised individuals, but over the last 10 years the virus has started causing disease in adult horses
Dewormer Resistance Increasing in Horses
March 20, 2018
Some parasites have become resistant to many dewormers.
Disease Protection at Horse Shows
July 9, 2012
One concern about horse shows is exposing your horse to the diseases of other horses.
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) Diagnosis in Horses
April 2, 2018
Probably the most over-diagnosed equine disease is EPM, or equine protozoal myeloencephalitis.
Foal Diarrhea Caused by Lawsonia
August 27, 2012
A fairly new intestinal disease of young horses is caused by the bacterium Lawsonia.
Guttural Pouch Infections in Horses
February 25, 2020
The guttural pouch is an air-filled structure in the horse's throat that has an unknown function but can be involved in several different disease conditions. The guttural pouches are sometimes involved in strangles infections
Herpes Virus in Horses
September 6, 2011
Equine herpes virus causes three different syndromes: respiratory disease, abortion, and neurological disease.
Herpes Virus Vaccination in Horses
August 25, 2014
In this study, horses vaccinated with a high antigen vaccine had less severe clinical signs than unvaccinated horses.
Hoof Care in Horses
July 2, 2012
The old saying "no hoof, no horse" is really true. If your horse's feet have problems, then the horse is basically unusable. Hoof care is critical to prevent lameness problems, and the environment has a major effect on the horse's hoof.
Horses Are Susceptible to the COVID-19 Virus
August 31, 2023
Many animals, including horses, are susceptible to the COVID-19 virus but generally do not get sick. Testing of racehorses in California suggests that horses may silently carry the virus and potentially contribute to its spread.
Infection Is a Possible Complication of Tooth Extraction in Horses
December 19, 2018
Lots of older horses will develop cupped out and shortened teeth, tooth fractures, and periodontal disease because feed becomes packed between the teeth and can lead to infection.
Intestinal Parasite Egg Shedding in Horses
March 6, 2019
Fecal egg per gram counts are consistent over time and only need be repeated frequently in young horses.
Mosquito-Transmitted Disease Vaccines for Horses
May 2, 2016
Mosquitoes transmit three strains of encephalitis as well as West Nile virus, so vaccinate your horse for these diseases.
Once Weekly Treatment to Prevent EPM In Horses
August 14, 2023
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, or EPM, is a common neurological disease in horses. New research may have found a cost-effective method of preventing the disease.
Parasite Resistance in Horses
July 23, 2012
The problem is that many of the parasites have become resistant to deworming medication and the reason they are resistant is overuse of the drugs over the last 50 years.
Pastern Dermatitis in Horses Caused by Mites
January 27, 2016
Although owners do not like the horse's feathers clipped, this is critical in most cases to kill the mites by using lime sulfur dip or frontline spray topically on the legs.
Pigeon Fever in Horses
January 30, 2019
Pigeon fever is not a disease of pigeons, but one that affects horses. It is called pigeon fever because the disease commonly swells the horse's breast to look like a puffed out pigeon breast.
Pinworms in Horses
August 24, 2015
The equine pinworm fortunately does not transmit to other animals or humans.
Piroplasmosis and How to Protect your Horse
January 31, 2011
Piroplasmosis is a blood-borne parasitic disease that affects all equines and usually causes fever, anemia, yellowing of the membranes of the eyes and mouth, and urine that is tinged dark brown to red.
Piroplasmosis in Horses
November 23, 2009
Piroplasmosis is a rare disease in horses, also called babesiosis.
Potomac Horse Fever Sometimes Fatal
February 13, 2007
Potomac horse fever causes acute onset of depression, decreased appetite, and fever in horses as well as diarrhea, decreased intestinal signs, and mild colic.
Preventing Contagious Diseases in Horses
April 9, 2007
Strangles is a serious upper respiratory tract disease that is caused by the bacteria strep equi and is highly contagious. Influenza is another contagious disease but is a virus.
Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) in Horses
August 14, 2017
Diagnosis of EPM is difficult and can be confusing due to lack of a definitive test.
Pythiosis (Oomycosis, Lagenidiosis, Swamp Cancer, Bursatti, Leeches) in Dogs, Cats and Horses
November 22, 2010
Pythiosis occurs in dogs and horses more often than in cats.
Pythiosis in Horses
September 28, 2009
If your horse has a rapidly growing skin lesion that is not responding to normal wound treatment, contact your vet as soon as possible because early cases of pythiosis have a much better prognosis than ongoing cases.
Rabies in Animals
October 16, 2024
Descriptions of rabies go back thousands of years as rabies has classically been one of the most feared infections of all time. Rabies is a serious disease, but fortunately it can also be easily prevented in dogs and cats by proper vaccination.
Rabies in Horses
December 27, 2016
If a horse develops rabies and has been to a play day or rodeo, hundreds of people could be exposed.
Rhodococcus equi in Foals
January 12, 2009
Rhodococcus equi causes a severe pneumonia with abscesses in a foal's lungs.
Rhodococcus Pneumonia Uncommon in Horses
March 25, 2013
Pneumonia is not a common disease in horses but there are several predisposing factors that can cause pneumonia to develop.
Ringworm in Horses
September 28, 2007
Probably the most common skin disease seen in horses in Texas other than fly allergies is ringworm. Ringworm is not a worm at all but actually a fungus.
Severe Skin Infection of the Horse’s Legs Called Cellulitis
April 26, 2018
A skin infection called cellulitis can cause your horse's legs to swell to two to three times the normal size, plus causing pain and lameness.
Strangles Infections in Horses
September 12, 2018
Strangles is a highly contagious disease.
Strep Immune-Mediated Myopathies in Horses
October 22, 2007
Strangles is a common upper respiratory tract infection in young horses. Most of the time strangles is a mild disease. However, complications can develop after strangles infection.
Thrush in Horse’s Hooves
June 30, 2020
Do not expect any treatment for thrush to be effective until the foot is correctly trimmed
Treating Equine Parasites with Fenbendazole
May 7, 2021
The average varied widely between farms
Viral Arteritis in Horses
August 21, 2017
Equine viral arteritis, or EVA, is a contagious disease. Stallions shed it in their semen.
West Nile Protection for your Horse
May 19, 2014
West Nile is now considered to be endemic in the U.S., and transmission to humans and horses is possible.
White Line Disease in Horses
June 22, 2009
Any treatment requires the separated hoof wall to be x-rayed and removed.
Nervous System: Brain, Nerves & Spinal Cord
Blood Testing for EPM in Horses
November 27, 2017
The disease is caused by two different protozoal parasites, Sarcocystis and Neospora, which affect the nervous system.
Dummy Foals Have Nervous System Signs
January 27, 2014
The cause of the syndrome is believed to be related to difficult birth or premature separation of the placenta at foaling, but some foals may have an unexplained decrease in oxygen even before foaling.
Hoof Abscess Treatment in a Horse
April 19, 2021
Treating these abscesses involves opening the area at the white line to allow drainage
Neurological Diseases with Long Term Consequences in Horses
January 27, 2022
Neurological diseases in horses such as West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis can cause long term symptoms even after they seem to have recovered from the disease. Vaccines are available for both West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis and are very effective in most horses.
Neurological Problems in Horses
June 26, 2017
EPM is the most common neurological disease in horses, but there are others.
Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) in Horses
August 14, 2017
Diagnosis of EPM is difficult and can be confusing due to lack of a definitive test.
Respiratory vs. Nervous System Disease in Horses
September 13, 2022
One of the most serious infectious diseases we see in horses is the neurological form of the herpes virus.
Sacroiliac Pain in Horses
April 4, 2016
There are several gaits that suggest sacroiliac joint disease.
Sleep Disorders in Horses
July 27, 2009
Sleep disorders can cause some serious problems for horses and the most common sleep disorder is sleep deprivation.
Nose & Sinuses
Nasal Discharge in Horses
February 25, 2013
A horse's nasal discharge can be insignificant or very significant depending on the amount and type of discharge.
Sinus Disease in Horses
January 10, 2012
Most nasal discharges are from a respiratory system infection, but sometimes it's an issue within the sinus cavities.
Blood Builders in Performance Horses
October 20, 2014
Supplements are reported to increase a horse's red blood cell production and hemoglobin to boost aerobic capacity but there is little evidence of their efficacy and safety.
Carbohydrate Concentrations Affected by Grass Height for Grazing Horses
January 30, 2018
The researchers studied the effects of mowing the grass and the effect that would have on insulin and glucose levels.
Cobalt Use Has No Known Benefit for Performance Horses
March 20, 2017
There is no known benefit to giving intravenous cobalt to horses in this manner and the increased blood pressure could lead to organ damage in the horse and even human injury.
Dehydration and Electrolyte Loss in Horses
November 9, 2015
After a ride you may notice your horse sweating, because that is the number one method horses use to keep cool. The longer the ride and the hotter the weather, the more sweat is lost. Sweat is made up of water and electrolytes.
Diet’s Effect on Horse Behavior
March 29, 2021
Horses on high-starch diets are more difficult to handle
Feeding to Prevent Colic in Horses
December 4, 2019
What do you do when you believe your horse has colic? First of all, all cases of colic are potentially fatal and should be examined by your vet.
High Potassium Levels in Horses
August 7, 2017
High potassium can lead to increased muscular contraction resulting in cramping, and also can have severe effects on the heart.
Is Your Horse Predisposed to Insulin-Related Laminitis?
January 27, 2024
Insulin-related laminitis is the most common cause of laminitis.
Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Horses, aka Big Head Disease
July 14, 2014
Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism causes the head bones to enlarge.
Orthopedic: Bones, Joints & Muscles
Acupuncture for Axial Stiffness in Horses
April 9, 2024
Acupuncture has been promoted in horses for years, and a new study indicates it may be effective.
Aquatic Therapy for Horses
September 1, 2015
There are many rehab centers that are using water therapy for horses but the science involving the use is mostly coming from studies in humans and dogs.
Are your Horse's Feet Being Trimmed Correctly?
October 24, 2016
After the farrier works on your horse, check that it is done correctly.
Arthritis in Horses
July 29, 2020
There are three types of arthritic pain
Arthritis in the Neck Can Cause Equine Lameness
November 13, 2020
It's possible that lameness in a leg is due to a problem in the neck, not the leg
Arthritis Treatment in Horses
December 10, 2019
The overall feeling is that Adequan is moderately effective at treating chronic joint disease while hyaluronic acid is more effective at treating acute joint disease.
Back or Neck Pain in Horses
April 22, 2022
Horses can develop back or neck pain and these conditions are difficult to diagnose and treat. Treatment of neck and back pain includes anti-inflammatory medications and injecting ligaments between the vertebrae. I
n some instances,
shock wave therapy and acupuncture are used.
Back Pain in Horses
December 20, 2023
All of the muscles in the back should be examined with ultrasound.
Bandaging Horse's Legs
September 9, 2019
Barefoot Versus Shod Horses
February 5, 2018
It is difficult to treat low crushed heels and long toes with a shoe as a shoe may be part of the cause.
Capped Elbow Treatment Difficult in Horses
January 25, 2017
These swellings are filled with fluid and occur due to trauma from the heel of the foot hitting the back of the elbow when the horse lies down. The trauma of the heel causes a bursa or fluid-filled sac to develop at the back of the elbow.
Coffin Bone Tumor in a Horse
March 6, 2019
A keratoma is a benign tumor that develops from the inner hoof wall and is located between the hoof wall and the bone.
Coronary Band Dystrophy in Horses
October 11, 2022
The coronary band is the area at the top of the horse’s hoof that separates the hoof wall from the skin. The disease usually occurs in heavier breeds of horses, like warmbloods. Although the condition usually heals with treatment, the treatment is time-consuming and requires your commitment.
Corticosteroids Clearance Times Following Joint Injections in Horses
December 5, 2017
A study looked at the use of several different corticosteroids injected in multiple joints, either alone or separately.
Cortisone and Laminitis in Horses
September 10, 2012
Normal doses of cortisone have been used routinely with no side effects and most horses that have developed laminitis and foundered have been given large doses.
Crooked Tail Carriage in Horses
June 3, 2022
When moving at a walk and trot, your horse's tail swings equally from side to side. If you notice your horse's tail is crooked, it may be a sign of hind limb lameness.
Diagnosing Lameness in a Horse’s Rear Legs
September 10, 2020
The signs are not as easy to see in a back leg as in a front leg
Equine Reflex Hypertonia (Stringhalt)
December 14, 2023
Equine Reflex Hypertonia is more commonly called “stringhalt” because the jerky, hesitant hyperflexion of the horse’s affected hind limb (or limbs) resembles a puppet being pulled by a string.
Examining your Horse's Foot
October 22, 2012
Learn what to look for when checking a horse's feet that may give you an idea that there is a problem with a hoof.
Feeding Horses with Pasture-Associated Laminitis
November 5, 2012
More horses develop laminitis and founder on pasture grass due to the high concentration of carbohydrates in the grass than those eating grain.
Foot Injuries in Horses
September 30, 2013
Some of these wounds may be minor, but because of the important and susceptible structures of the equine foot, any foot injury can be potentially deadly.
Fractures in a Horse’s Back More Common than Suspected
August 3, 2021
Disease in the horse’s lower back seems to be much more common than was previously thought
Frequency of Joint Injections in Horses
February 6, 2024
Injections to help alleviate pain from arthritis are commonly given to performance horses. But how often is too often?
Hindlimb Suspensory Ligament Disease in Horses
December 10, 2012
Results of a study that consisted of 92 horses with only suspensory ligament disease that were treated with neurectomy and fasciotomy indicated 78% of them returned to the same level of work they were at before the injury for at least one year.
Hip and Pelvic Issues in Horses
January 3, 2024
Most lameness in horses is due to issues with the feet, but some lameness can originate from the hip and pelvic area.
Hock Arthrodesis with Ethyl Alcohol in Horses
November 24, 2010
Ethyl alcohol is injected after making sure only the lower hock joints would be affected.
Hoof Pain Treatment in Horses
May 26, 2014
If you have a horse that has foundered, ask your vet about an EVA shoe.
Hoof Wall Cracks in Horses
October 8, 2015
Hoof cracks happen because of hoof instability and this must be treated to prevent further cracks from occurring.
How Hind Hooves Are Trimmed Can Affect Your Horse’s Posture
October 27, 2023
Abnormal trimming of a horse’s hind feet could contribute to a cycle of issues that could cause problems all the way up the rear legs to the back, neck, and even the head.
Infrared Thermography for Diagnosing Lameness in Horses
September 15, 2014
Many non-veterinarians that have purchased this equipment and are performing thermal scans, but they are not using correct guidelines and are not interpreting the images correctly.
Initial Treatment of Tendon Injuries in Horses
June 7, 2023
Tendon injuries are fairly common in horses, and there are some initial treatments to use for these injuries. Tendons attach muscle to bone and are prone to injury.
Is Hot or Cold Treatment Best for Horse’s Tendon Injury?
October 21, 2019
More research is needed to determine if this is effective in horses
Kissing Spines in Horses is Hereditary
August 10, 2021
Kissing spines (overriding dorsal spinous processes), where the vertebrae are too close together to the point of touching or overlapping, is a cause of back pain in horses. New research shows the condition may be hereditary.
Lacerations to the Horse's Hoof Wall
December 5, 2016
An injury in which the hoof wall is detached from the underneath tissue needs to be treated immediately.
Lameness Evaluation in Horses
October 23, 2017
Why it can take your veterinarian some time to correctly diagnose lameness cases.
Laminitis in Donkeys
December 15, 2022
Laminitis involves inflammation of the structures in the hoof wall that hold the bone in place, and inflammation of the laminae is extremely painful. Laminitis is a severe foot disease in horses and can also affect donkeys.
Longeing’s Potential Effect on Your Horse’s Joints
January 15, 2023
Longeing is the process of exercising a horse in a circle on a long lead. It’s a common method of exercising horses, but there is some concern that this procedure could damage equine joints.
Lower Leg Problems in Newborn Foals
September 8, 2021
All newborn foals should have their legs examine closely. Foals can have a number of leg issues that should be addressed early in their lives.
Muscular Disorders in Athletic Horses
March 5, 2019
Tying up is more complicated than you might think.
Navicular Bursal Injection in Horses
June 18, 2012
One key is that horses with navicular syndrome usually respond to pain with hoof testers over the frog.
Navicular Lameness (Heel Pain) in Horses
December 1, 2020
Some pain from the syndrome does not even involve the navicular bone but rather soft tissue structures around the bone.
Neck Pain in Horses
August 6, 2019
Neck pain in horses is not commonly diagnosed, but it may be more common than we realize in older performance horses.
Nutritional Tips to Prevent Tying Up Syndrome in Your Horse
February 24, 2023
Exertional rhabdomyolysis syndrome affects muscles in the horse. Feeding the correct diet can help prevent it.
Palmar Foot Pain in Horses
January 26, 2015
Shoeing changes can help with certain conditions but any change must be considered carefully so as to not damage other structures
Palmar Foot Pain Treatment
June 29, 2015
Navicular disease is a common cause of lameness in performance horses.
Physitis in Young Horses
November 14, 2016
Treatment usually consists of rest and a change in diet.
Problems in a Recumbent Horse
May 6, 2014
Whether the horse is trapped by a collapsed barn or down on the ground due to an injury or disease, it must be picked up as soon as possible, preferably within 4 hours, to prevent further injury to organs.
Proximal Suspensory Ligament Injury in Horses
May 15, 2017
All areas of this ligament can be damaged in both the front and hind limbs, but the top portion of the ligament just below the hock in the hind leg is particularly problematic.
Rehabilitation of Tendon Injuries in Horses
September 22, 2008
Tendon injuries are fairly common in performance horses. Rehabilitation of these injuries requires a lot of time and effort for healing to occur.
Rein Lameness in Horses
April 27, 2020
Rein lameness is a difficult diagnosis because the veterinarian has to determine if the horse is in physical pain, if it is a mental issue for the horse, or is it due to the rider
Sacroiliac Pain in Horses
April 4, 2016
There are several gaits that suggest sacroiliac joint disease.
Seasonal Pasture Myopathy in Horses
March 22, 2016
This serious disease is caused by ingesting box elder seeds.
Shivers in Horses
April 8, 2013
Many times the horses will hyper-flex the hindlimb when walking backwards and start trembling and then rapidly place the foot on the ground; the term shivers originated with the trembling of the hind limbs.
Splint Bone Disease in Horses
November 3, 2008
Symptoms of splint inflammation, commonly called popping a splint, are pain and swelling around the bones.
Splint Bone Fractures in Horses
December 6, 2010
Sometimes hard training can cause the bones to develop inflammation at the sites of attachment to the large bones between the knee and fetlock. This is the condition called splints.
Stem Cell Treatments in Horses
February 21, 2011
The reality is there is little scientific proof concerning the success of stem cells or which of the many different methods is the most effective.
Subsolar Bruising in Horses
June 22, 2008
Soaking the foot for more than 2 to 3 days can actually worsen the problem by softening the sole and decreasing the its protection.
Suspensory Ligament Injuries in Horses
June 20, 2011
Some new techniques are being used to treat suspensory ligament injuries.
Tendon Injury Treatments for Horses
June 24, 2020
Tendon and ligament injuries are common in performance horses and treatment of these injuries is very difficult. However, there are some new treatments for these injuries.
Tendonitis Treatment in Horses with Urinary Bladder Matrix
July 27, 2011
Further studies are needed.
Treating Clubfoot in Horses
May 2, 2018
Clubfoot is a condition in horses in which the bone in the hoof called the coffin bone is pulled backward because the structures on the back of the legs are too tight. This condition can occur from birth or can be acquired at an older age.
Tying up in Quarter Horses and Other Breeds
January 9, 2017
There are really three types of tying up. The first can be due to overexertion in horses that are not in good enough physical shape to undergo the exercise they are asked to perform.
Upward Fixation of the Patella is Common in Horses
September 6, 2016
One of the most common conditions of the horse's stifle is upward fixation of the patella.
Using Bisphosphonates to Treat Navicular Disease in Horses
July 7, 2021
If you have a horse diagnosed with navicular disease, ask your vet about osphos
Using Prednisolone in Horses with Laminitis and Founder
July 15, 2019
Many horses with allergies are susceptible to laminitis and founder
X-rays Can Help while Trimming Horse's Hooves
June 30, 2014
X-rays can be extremely helpful in trimming the foot because you can determine the bone's location.
Reproductive System
Antibiotic Use in Horse Reproduction
August 16, 2010
For uterine infections, it is common to infuse antibiotics in the uterus. A lot of these mares have material in their uterus that will inactivate the antibiotics, so it is always a good idea to flush the uterus with large volumes of sterile solutions before infusing.
Artificial Insemination Techniques for Horses
August 20, 2012
When natural breeding was compared to AI, there was no difference in pregnancy rates when breeding fertile mares, so breeding mares by AI is very effective.
Blue Light Masks Help Brood Mares Cycle Early
February 28, 2018
A blue light mask has been developed to allow mares to be turned out to pasture and still get added light.
Breeding the Older Maiden Mare
April 20, 2007
Many owners feel breeding older maiden mares should not be a problem but it can be.
Breeding-Induced Endometritis in Horses
March 24, 2014
A common cause of infertility in the mare called infectious endometritis, or infection of the uterine lining.
Complications of Equine Castration
January 28, 2021
The first complication that can occur is bleeding
Cryptorchid Stallions
July 22, 2013
Castration complications include swelling, infection, excessive bleeding, and herniation of the intestine through the incision.
Cryptorchid Testicle Descent in Horses
November 20, 2018
Cryptorchidism is diagnosed when one or both testicles are not in the scrotum but are still either in the horse’s abdomen or in the inguinal or flank area.
Necrotic Vaginitis in Horses and Donkeys
October 5, 2009
Although this trauma can occur in an apparently normal foaling, it more commonly occurs in maiden mares and in cases that require manipulation of the fetus by a veterinarian to aid the foal's birth.
Placentitis in Mares
January 11, 2010
Most cases of placentitis are caused by bacteria that have ascended from the mare's vulvar area up to and through the cervix.
Retained Placenta in Horses
July 21, 2014
It is important to realize that this is an emergency situation and to never pull on the placenta by hand.
Septic Metritis in Mares
February 9, 2009
Probably the most common condition that affects mares after foaling is septic metritis, which is an infection in the uterus.
Respiratory System: Lungs & Airways
Bleeding in the Lungs of Endurance Horses
September 28, 2020
Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage, or EIPH, causes a significant decrease in racehorse performance, depending on the amount of bleeding that occurs
Complications Using Glass Balls to Suppress a Mare's Estrus
May 11, 2016
Some mares are so severely affected by being in heat that they cannot even be ridden and many of them do not perform up to their potential.
Diagnosing Asthma in Horses
March 26, 2020
A new test is being developed to diagnose equine asthma in horses
Guttural Pouch Infections in Horses
February 25, 2020
The guttural pouch is an air-filled structure in the horse's throat that has an unknown function but can be involved in several different disease conditions. The guttural pouches are sometimes involved in strangles infections
Respiratory vs. Nervous System Disease in Horses
September 13, 2022
One of the most serious infectious diseases we see in horses is the neurological form of the herpes virus.
Small Airway Inflammatory Disease in Horses
December 18, 2006
Small airway inflammatory disease, or SAID, is not a contagious disease but a disease that in the first stages causes exercise intolerance.
Viral Respiratory Disease in Horses
June 2, 2014
Viral respiratory diseases are fairly common in horses in early summer as they move from show to show.
Why Is Your Horse Coughing?
April 13, 2023
Coughing in horses is not uncommon. There are many different causes why your horse may be coughing, and the cause determines the treatment.
Care & Husbandry
Breeding & Foal Care
Adopting an Orphan Foal
February 2, 2009
Raising an orphan foal is not an easy task.
Blue Light Masks Help Brood Mares Cycle Early
February 28, 2018
A blue light mask has been developed to allow mares to be turned out to pasture and still get added light.
Breeding a Performance Mare
December 15, 2015
If you have a performance mare that you would like to breed but do not want to miss a performance season, these are two viable options.
Breeding the Older Maiden Mare
April 20, 2007
Many owners feel breeding older maiden mares should not be a problem but it can be.
Broodmare Management
March 29, 2010
A uterine infection is a common condition that causes infertility. Veterinarians and breeding farm personnel may be involved either directly or indirectly as the cause of this problem.
Complications of Equine Castration
January 28, 2021
The first complication that can occur is bleeding
Complications Using Glass Balls to Suppress a Mare's Estrus
May 11, 2016
Some mares are so severely affected by being in heat that they cannot even be ridden and many of them do not perform up to their potential.
CPR in Foals
November 29, 2010
CPR is indicated in any case in which the foal stops breathing or does not have a heartbeat.
CPR in Newborn Foals
February 7, 2012
A large percentage of foals that die shortly after birth do so because of a lack of oxygen; more foals die from respiratory problems than heart problems.
Deciding to Breed your Mare
May 6, 2019
Breeding your mare involves numerous decisions, including your goal for a foal and expenses.
Dummy Foals Have Nervous System Signs
January 27, 2014
The cause of the syndrome is believed to be related to difficult birth or premature separation of the placenta at foaling, but some foals may have an unexplained decrease in oxygen even before foaling.
Embryo Transfer in Mares
February 15, 2010
In embryo transfer, the mare is bred and in about 7 to 8 days, the resultant embryo is flushed from the mare's uterus and placed into another mare to carry the pregnancy.
Estrous Behavior in Mules
September 9, 2019
The increased estrogen and decreased progesterone hormones during heat can lead to aggression, anxiety and irritability.
Estrous Cycle Control in Mares
June 3, 2013
Mare owners have used multiple options to suppress estrous to prevent the unwanted behavior.
Exercising Mares in Early Pregnancy
February 16, 2015
Results indicated exercising pregnant mares from day 16 to day 80 of pregnancy did not appear to be harmful to the growing fetus.
Factors Affecting Pregnancy in Performance Mares
July 5, 2016
If you are planning on breeding your mare, transporting her for it seems to be okay but exercising her in the heat can decrease the pregnancy rate.
Feeding the Lean Lactating Mare at Weaning
April 24, 2017
While withholding feed could decrease milk production, this should not be done with thin mares, but you should not have to increase calories either as once the foal is weaned, all calories can be used for weight gain instead of feeding the foal.
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis in Foals
April 1, 2007
A condition called neonatal isoerythrolysis can develop in newborn foals that causes the destruction of their red blood cells. It is a lot easier to prevent this syndrome than treat it.
Newborn Foal Examination
September 19, 2018
After a foal is born, immediately check for these parameters to see if the foal is healthy or needs to see the vet.
Nutritional Recommendations for Brood Mares just before Winter
September 19, 2017
Mares need to be in good body condition going into the winter so they will be able to rebreed in the spring.
Pain Relief in Newborn Calves
March 26, 2020
Giving pain medication to a calf after a difficult birth can help improve vigor.
pH Testing of Milk Predicts Foaling Time In Mares
July 1, 2013
The pH testing of milk seems to be as accurate at predicting foaling time as the standard calcium tests strips. The pH strips are also less expensive and require less time to run the test.
Physitis in Young Horses
November 14, 2016
Treatment usually consists of rest and a change in diet.
Preparing for Your Mare to Foal
October 6, 2021
When your mare is about to foal there are preparations you can make to minimize any complications during foaling.
Progesterone Supplementation in Mares
February 25, 2008
Most of the pregnant mares supplemented with progesterone probably do not need it.
Reproduction in Obese Horses
December 13, 2010
If you have an older mare that you would like to breed that is overweight and has equine metabolic syndrome or Cushing's disease, it is important to address these problems before considering breeding.
Retained Placenta in Horses
July 21, 2014
It is important to realize that this is an emergency situation and to never pull on the placenta by hand.
Diet & Nutrition
Best Grazing Time for Horses
August 29, 2016
The amount of fructan in the grass varies with the type of grass, time of day, season, and the part of the plant ingested.
Carbohydrate Concentrations Affected by Grass Height for Grazing Horses
January 30, 2018
The researchers studied the effects of mowing the grass and the effect that would have on insulin and glucose levels.
Change your Horse's Diet Slowly
September 3, 2015
There is no need to change the diet if the horse is doing well as variety is generally not needed in horse diets. But if you do change the diet, do so slowly.
Choosing Hay for Horses
April 17, 2017
Young immature plants contain more nutrients than older plants with more stems.
Cobalt Use Has No Known Benefit for Performance Horses
March 20, 2017
There is no known benefit to giving intravenous cobalt to horses in this manner and the increased blood pressure could lead to organ damage in the horse and even human injury.
Consider Feeding Larger Harder Pelleted Feeds to your Horses
July 22, 2020
If you feed pellets to your horse, it is possible the pellets are being consumed faster than is optimal for your horse’s health
Decreasing Horse Colic in Winter
November 7, 2016
When cold weather arrives, one horse problem we are more concerned about than normal is colic.
Dietary Tips for Hauling Horses
August 1, 2016
Try to haul your horse in the early morning or late evening to avoid dehydration by sweating while in the trailer.
Digestion in Foals
April 27, 2016
After 2 months of age, the foal's hindgut begins a period of maturation that lasts until about 6 months of age.
Digestion in Horses
March 12, 2012
Horses can eat grass or hay, but they were designed to eat native grass by grazing on thousands of acres.
Digestion of Forage by Horses
June 4, 2012
The reason we see so many colic and founder cases is because horses are being fed in a manner that their body was not designed to support.
Electrolyte Supplementation in Horses
September 19, 2016
Unfortunately, a lot of electrolyte products do not contain enough electrolytes to be effective.
Excessive Water Consumption in Horses
November 9, 2022
Drinking excessive water in horses is not common, but when it occurs, the reason could be important.
Extruded Horse Feed vs Pelleted Horse Feed
August 10, 2020
What are the differences, and which is better for your horse?
Feed Routines and GI Disease in Horses
April 22, 2013
There are a large number of myths when it comes to feeding horses.
Feeding A New Horse
October 3, 2016
When you purchase a new horse, try to keep him on the same feed, at least initially, until you can wean him over to a different feed if you want to. This includes hay.
Feeding Alfalfa Hay Before Riding Your Horse
May 22, 2023
Feeding alfalfa has been shown to decrease the formation of stomach or gastric ulcers. If you feed your horse before riding, what should you feed?
Feeding Alfalfa to Horses
June 25, 2018
Alfalfa may have 30 percent higher crude protein than grass hays, but it's not always the best option.
Feeding Beet Pulp to Horses
July 3, 2017
The two forms of beet pulp on the market are shredded with or without molasses and pelleted with molasses. Horses with insulin resistance or HYPP should not be fed molasses.
Feeding Bran Mashes to Horses
January 23, 2012
Feeding wheat bran daily could cause a significant detrimental effect on your horse's health because it is not a balanced diet and is not effective at preventing colic.
Feeding Bread to Horses
January 19, 2015
Bread is low in calcium because of the wheat, but wheat is not low in phosphorus.
Feeding Concentrate to Horses
January 25, 2017
The more often you can feed and the less amounts you feed, the less likely your horse will have problems.
Feeding Corn to Horses
April 3, 2017
Never feed corn directly out of the field without having it tested for fumonisin.
Feeding Donkeys and Mules
August 27, 2018
Feeding donkeys and mules as you feed horses will cause them to become overweight quickly.
Feeding Fat to Horses
November 2, 2022
Fat is commonly used as an energy source for horses as it supplies two and one quarter times more calories per gram than carbohydrates.
Feeding Horses During and after Colic
August 22, 2016
I recommend clients offer small handfuls of hay every 2 hours for 2 days after a colic and no grain for 2 days.
Feeding Horses with a Hay Net
May 19, 2015
Horses develop problems when we put them in box stalls and feed them twice a day, because instead of eating 15 hours per day, they eat for two.
Feeding Pumpkin to Your Horse
November 30, 2022
The first thing to consider when feeding any fruits or vegetables to your horses is whether the item is toxic. Just because a human can eat it does not mean a horse can.
Feeding Recommendations for Miniature Horses
April 23, 2012
Determining the amount to feed miniature horses can be difficult because tapes and formulas used for weight estimation are for larger horses and may not be accurate in miniatures.
Feeding Strategies for Senior Horses
May 7, 2021
Just because your horse is older does not automatically indicate they need to be on a senior or special feed.
Feeding Your Horse
February 9, 2015
I ask owners what they are feeding their horses and how much. I usually get a good answer on what they are feeding but how much is a different story.
Feeds High in Starch Cause Inflammation in Horses
September 27, 2022
High-starch meals can lead to inflammation, and feeds high in starch are not recommended for some horses, especially for those horses that are older or overweight.
Flavoring Water Can Increase Water Consumption in Horses
May 10, 2023
If you have a horse that will not drink, adding a small amount of commercial sweet feed just to flavor the water may be helpful.
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance in Endurance Horses
September 3, 2013
A major concern with endurance horses is dehydration and electrolyte balance.
Grazing Muzzles Can Decrease Pasture Consumption
August 5, 2020
The advantage of a grazing muzzle is that the horse can be turned out on regular pasture to get exercise and be with the other horses and yet not eat too much pasture grass.
Hay and Asthma in Horses
September 21, 2020
Feeding hay off the ground may be a better option than feeding from a hay net, especially if the horse is fed in a stall
Hay Damaged by Rain for Horses and Cattle
July 5, 2018
Hay that has been cut and rained on can lose quality in four ways.
Hay Replacement Options for Horses
March 19, 2012
You cannot determine what is a complete feed and what is not by looking at fiber amounts on the bag.
Hay Storage Tips
April 2, 2015
Nutrients can be lost if hay is not stored properly and can occur if moisture exceeds 20%.
Hay Waste for Horses Affected by Feeders
November 16, 2015
Hay waste was much greater when hay was fed on the stall floor rather than in a feeder, in this new study.
High Potassium Levels in Horses
August 7, 2017
High potassium can lead to increased muscular contraction resulting in cramping, and also can have severe effects on the heart.
High-Starch Diets and Horse Reactivity
October 12, 2015
Fat is less likely to make your horse hot than starch.
Horse Feed, When is it Too Old to Use
November 28, 2016
It is difficult to determine the significance of a best-by date for horse feed because feed is sometimes stored in less than desirable environments and this will affect the best-by date.
Increase Horse's Water Consumption in the Winter
November 30, 2015
One of the most difficult problems we face is equine medicine is getting horses to drink enough water, and they drink less in winter.
Is Your Horse Fat?
October 9, 2019
Most people do not see their horses as overweight even if that is the case.
Long Stem vs Short Stem Hay for Horses
June 1, 2020
Long stem hay is the best option for forage in most cases
Low Carb Diets for Horses
October 17, 2016
There are different types of carbohydrates and it is important for horse owners to know the difference.
Meals and the Horse's Intestinal Tract
September 12, 2016
Horses are the healthiest when they are allowed to graze on grass and eat small amounts frequently.
Monensin Poisoning in Horses
January 15, 2020
Feed-associated poisonings can occur in horses and although fairly rare, when poisonings do occur they are usually serious.
Nutrition for Horses
August 26, 2019
The foundation of a horse's diet should be forage, and many horses do not need additional feed other than added vitamins and minerals.
Nutrition in Foals
December 23, 2013
After the first month, foals require some supplementation for adequate nutrition and growth as foals who only have mare's milk after the first month will grow at a reduced rate.
Obese or "Pleasantly Plump" Horses
September 25, 2014
Evolutionarily, there are advantages to being a horse that "gets fat on air", so why do we care about obesity in horses, anyway? Isn't a round croup (rump) a sign of a well-fed animal?
Older Horses Digestibility
September 28, 2015
You may not need to change diets just because your horse is getting older.
Omega 3 Fatty Acid Use in Allergic Horses
July 18, 2016
It is possible that supplementing with omega 3 fatty acids can reduce allergies to bites from flying insects.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids Affect a Horse's Insulin Sensitivity
November 17, 2014
At this time omega 3 fatty acids should not be considered to make a major difference in insulin sensitivity in horses.
Oral Joint Supplements in Senior Horses
May 18, 2016
It is best to ask the manufacturer of those oral joint supplements for scientific proof that they are effective rather than relying on testimonials.
Overweight Ponies Should Work for Food
May 14, 2018
A novel dynamic feeding device can help ponies, donkeys and horses exercise and lose weight.
Preventing Enteroliths in Horses
November 6, 2017
An unusual type of colic in horses is due to a large stone called an enterolith that forms in the intestine and can partially or completely block it.
Preventing Founder in Horses
January 6, 2014
Horses with equine metabolic syndrome should be fed a low-carbohydrate diet to prevent founder.
Putting Weight on a Skinny Horse
August 4, 2015
Although protein is important, it is a poor source of energy.
Ration Analysis Begins with a Complete Forage Analysis for Horses
May 23, 2016
A horse should get a minimum of 1% of the horse's body weight per day in long stem hay. For a 1000 lb horse, this would be a minimum of 10 lbs hay per day. You should use a good quality hay that provides adequate nutrients. So how do you know the actual amounts of nutrients in the ration you are feeding and if the ration is adequate for your horse?
Round Bale Hay Storage
May 8, 2017
The most losses of hay occurred with uncovered hay on the ground, which had losses of over 60% of the hay.
Salt Levels in your Horse's Ration
July 12, 2017
Your horses probably need to be on a salt supplement and may need a large amount if sweating excessively.
Sand Elimination from the Horse's Gastrointestinal Tract
March 1, 2016
Sand colic is one of the most common causes of horses who have recurrent colic.
Severe Dehydration and the Exhausted Horse
June 23, 2014
Horses can become dehydrated easily, and after prolonged periods of exercise can develop what is called the exhausted horse syndrome.
Soaking Hay to Remove Sugar for Horses
April 19, 2021
Lots of folks soak hay for 30-60 minutes and that is likely not enough time, depending on the hay.
Supplement Effectiveness on Equine Stomach Ulcers
February 28, 2017
Stomach ulcers are common in performance horses.
Supplements for Horses
November 23, 2015
Although all the advertisements in the horse magazines try to convince you otherwise, most of our horses do not need supplements.
Techniques for Feeding Hay to Horses
February 21, 2011
Feeding hay in feeders is the best method to prevent waste.
Tifton 85 Grass versus Coastal Bermuda for Horses
June 15, 2017
In general Tifton 85 yields more forage compared to coastal, is more digestible, has a lower sugar content, and is slightly higher in crude protein.
Vitamin E May Be Helpful in Stressed Horses
June 29, 2021
Treat oxidative stress with Vitamin E
Water, Horses Drinking Too Much?
March 3, 2014
If you don't know your horse's normal water consumption, it is difficult to know abnormal.
Weight Loss in Foals
April 11, 2016
Some foals lose weight around three months of age because of worms and/or respiratory and digestive infections.
Weight Loss in Horses
December 31, 2020
Horses that gain weight are more than twice as likely to develop laminitis than if they lose or even just maintain their weight
Weight Loss in Horses
December 27, 2011
There are many different possibilities as to why a horse would lose weight.
What is Grass Hay for Horses?
February 24, 2015
The nutrient value of grass hay will differ depending on the concentration of grasses involved and their rate of maturity when bailed.
When Is Feed Too Old for Horses?
December 19, 2018
The best by date is vague because it depends on the conditions in which the feed is stored after purchase.
Winter Hay and Pasture Testing for Horses
December 11, 2018
For insulin-resistant horses, you need to know the hay's carbohydrate values before you buy it.
Barn Construction for Horses
October 27, 2008
Choose flooring materials that keep the floor dry, durable, provides good traction and is easy to clean. Roughened concrete fits these criteria better than most other materials.
Blanketing a Horse when Temperatures Increase May Cause Heat Stress
January 22, 2018
If the weather gets warm and there is no one around to remove the blanket, it can be a problem.
Blanketing your Horse in Winter
February 22, 2021
A blanket is not needed unless the temperature is freezing or lower or there is freezing rain
Cleaning and Disinfecting Horse Stalls and Trailers
January 25, 2017
The most important factor in disinfecting in all situations is cleaning the area prior to disinfecting.
Decreasing Horse Colic in Winter
November 7, 2016
When cold weather arrives, one horse problem we are more concerned about than normal is colic.
Disaster Preparedness for Livestock
February 9, 2023
If a natural disaster affects your home, it is terrible and can be much more difficult if you have livestock.
Disease Protection at Horse Shows
July 9, 2012
One concern about horse shows is exposing your horse to the diseases of other horses.
Dust Management in your Riding Arena
July 30, 2012
Dust can cause lot of problems for the rider and the horse, including increasing allergies and causing inflammation in the eyes and respiratory tract.
Extreme Heat Care for Horses
May 4, 2017
It is too difficult for horses to get the amount of salt they need from a block and I prefer granular salt in the feed.
Feeding Horses with Pasture-Associated Laminitis
November 5, 2012
More horses develop laminitis and founder on pasture grass due to the high concentration of carbohydrates in the grass than those eating grain.
Free Fecal Water Syndrome Isn't Diarrhea in Horses
March 29, 2017
With free fecal water syndrome, the stool is normal but small amounts of very thin water with a small amount of feces are passed before, after or during defecation.
Herpes Virus Vaccination in Horses
August 25, 2014
In this study, horses vaccinated with a high antigen vaccine had less severe clinical signs than unvaccinated horses.
Horse Hay and Pasture Testing for the Winter
October 24, 2018
Preventing Fire in your Horse Barn
October 10, 2016
One of the scariest thoughts for a horse owner is the possibility of a fire developing in their horse barn.
Slobbers in Horses
October 21, 2013
A common cause of excessive salivation is a condition appropriately called slobbers.
Water Quality Testing for Horses
June 1, 2011
It's difficult to find guidelines specific for equine drinking water because most of the guidelines are listed for all livestock.
Altering a Horse's Tail and the Ethics behind It
October 31, 2016
Tails are altered for cosmetic reasons, for the show ring, or for competitive purposes, neither of which is done for the good of the horse and in fact, sometimes it is done to the horse's detriment.
Ban on Soring Horses
January 7, 2013
The AVMA and AAEP statement indicates they support a ban on the use of action devices and performance packages in the training and showing of Tennessee Walking Horses.
Barn Effect on Performance Horses
October 19, 2009
Even the cleanest of barns have large amounts of organic dust, including endotoxins and molds, that can lead to inflammatory airway disease and poor performance.
Phenylbutazone and Fatal Injuries in Thoroughbred Racehorses
June 17, 2021
The fatalities occurred not from the drug but from injuries received while racing that required euthanasia
Phenylbutazone is a Risk Factor for Breakdown Injuries in Racehorses
November 2, 2020
We know now there is an association between phenylbutazone and breakdown injuries
Soring Horses is Illegal and Unethical
August 19, 2013
Soring is deliberately inflicting pain to exaggerate the leg motion of horses so they will perform better at horse shows.
General Care: Vaccines & More
Acupuncture for Axial Stiffness in Horses
April 9, 2024
Acupuncture has been promoted in horses for years, and a new study indicates it may be effective.
Adequan and Polyglycan in Horses
August 26, 2009
Horse owners are always looking for cheaper medications that will do the same job as Adequan and Legend.
Are your Horse's Feet Being Trimmed Correctly?
October 24, 2016
After the farrier works on your horse, check that it is done correctly.
Before You Buy That Horse-Pre-Purchase Exams
March 11, 2024
Getting a pre-purchase exam before buying a horse is a good idea, but there are a lot of options for these exams.
Biosecurity for Show Horses
March 1, 2022
Exposing your horses to other horses increases the risk of certain diseases like equine herpes virus, equine influenza and strangles. If you are hauling your horses from your property, biosecurity is important to prevent infectious disease. It is important to make sure your horse is currently vaccinated
Cold Therapy to Prevent Laminitis in Horses
January 20, 2014
Laminitis is a condition in horses that causes severe lameness and sometimes death. Cold therapy can help prevent it.
Common Diseases of Hedgehogs
November 10, 2020
If hedgehogs get too fat, they can't roll into a ball to protect themselves
Contagious Disease Prevention in Horses
December 19, 2011
Prevent contagious diseases from infecting your horses both at your stable and when hauling your horse to other facilities.
Corona Virus Testing in Horses
October 27, 2020
The fecal test for equine corona virus is a fairly accurate test if the horse has clinical symptoms
Decreasing Antibiotic Resistance in Horses
February 25, 2020
If you want antibiotics without your vet examining the horse, your vet may decline.
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