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Nighttime Waking in Senior Dogs
Revised: January 25, 2025
Published: December 14, 2010

Photo image of a white dog and tiger cat sleeping cuddled together
Photo courtesy Dr. Teri Ann Oursler

Sleep is essential for dogs and people. Disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle occur in older pets and often disrupt the entire family. Interrupted sleep is a common problem in older pets and may occur for many reasons, including both medical and anxiety-related causes.

Diagnosis and Clinical Signs

There are many reasons an older dog may have difficulty sleeping at night. Dogs do get cognitive dysfunction, which is similar to dementia in people.  The hallmarks of these syndromes are progressive confusion, reversal of day-night wake-sleep patterns, and poor adaptability to new situations. Like older people with early-stage dementia, the dog may function well in routine and familiar situations but be confused in new situations.

Waking at night may occur for reasons other than cognitive dysfunction, such as pain or discomfort. Dogs who are feeling discomfort may pace, pant, vocalize, or be restless at night but may not show any physical limitations during the day. The effects of pain or sore muscles may be more noticeable to the dog at night.

The urge to eliminate may wake many dogs. Senior pets are more likely to have medical conditions that would increase their urination or defecation frequency or decrease control of these bodily functions.

Many physical and medical conditions should be considered, including urinary tract infections, kidney disease, hormone imbalances, Cushing's Syndrome, gastrointestinal (GI) upset, and neurological impairments.

Anxiety and fear can cause nighttime waking. Dogs may fear weather-related noises, such as thunderstorms or noises in the home from people or other animals.  Your dog may also be anxious during the day, but the severity often increases at night since these noises are more pronounced and start when it is quiet. Furthermore, your dog's reaction may be limited to restlessness or pacing, which is often not noticed during the day. Seizures may occur anytime, but often, seizures that occur at night are not seen by the family, so people are awakened by their dog in a confused state.

Thinking about the pattern of when your dog wakes can help figure out the cause and at least partially change the behavior. Some dogs have difficulty settling down or falling asleep, while other dogs may go to sleep easily and then wake up in the middle of the night. Some dogs go to sleep, enjoy slumber much of the night, and then wake up early. A definitive diagnosis may be difficult because there are so many medical conditions to consider. Cognitive dysfunction is only diagnosed with certainty in the later stages, and no test exists for it.


After evaluating possible medical causes, try to establish a predictable routine for nighttime slumber. Your dog’s routine as a younger dog may provide some insight into their preferences, but age-related changes should be considered. An older dog may require an orthopedic bed to ease pressure on their bones and joints. Warmth may also be important as your dog may be unable to regulate their body temperature and cold weather may affect their sensitive joints.  Establishing a bedtime routine that may include a later trip outside for elimination, a massage, and quiet time settling in a comfortable area can help in some cases. Most dogs prefer to be with family members but some prefer to rest alone. Quiet, soothing music may muffle sounds, and a night light can help dogs with vision problems to walk in dark hallways with more ease.

Even though this condition may be frustrating, avoid punishing or scolding your dog. After addressing your dog's physical needs, try gently and calmly returning your dog to where they like to sleep. Some dogs want to sleep in bed with people; this is a matter of personal preference and family tolerance. Unless it is unsafe due to aggression, it is acceptable for dogs to sleep with people. Be sure to consider if this pattern of slumber with your dog will continue to be acceptable since once they have tried it, many dogs like to sleep on comfortable mattresses with comforters. Despite commonly perpetuated myths, this type of "spoiling" does not cause other behavior problems; it does, however, teach a dog that it is nice to sleep in a person's bed.

Nutraceutical and Pheromone Interventions

Cognitive dysfunction is a slow and progressive condition that tends to get worse over time. Nutrition and diet can help reduce symptoms and slow the course of the disease. There are special diets for senior dogs that include antioxidants and energy sources that have been shown to improve brain function. Supplements may also help with memory, reduce anxiety, or boost activity, especially in the early stages of the condition.

Dietary supplements that contain phosphatidyl serine, ginkgo biloba, and grape extract (resveratrol) are likely to slow and minimize cognitive impairment. S-adenosyl-l-methionine, or SAMe, may reduce anxiety and increase awareness and activity in the senior dog. Furthermore, SAMe is safe or even beneficial for patients with compromised liver function. These supplements are most beneficial in the early stages of cognitive decline.

A dog-appeasing pheromone (such as Adaptil) can reduce anxiety and promote a feeling of well-being. Diffusers work well to create peaceful and relaxing areas for resting, while collars can provide constant comfort for dogs with ongoing anxiety.


Medications can help with sleep problems, anxiety, or symptoms of cognitive dysfunction. Some medications can be used to promote more restful sleep or reduce anxiety, while others can improve alertness and energy during the day. Consult with your veterinarian to determine which options may benefit your dog. 

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