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Pyrantel Pamoate (Strongid T, Nemex)
Revised: February 20, 2025
Published: January 16, 2005

(For veterinary information only)

The size of the tablet/medication is NOT an indication of a proper dose. Never administer any drug without your veterinarian's input. Serious side effects or death can occur if you give medications to your pet without your veterinarian's advice. 

It is our policy not to give dosing information over the internet.

Brand Name: Strongid; Nemex; Pin-X; Numerous Others

Available as 22.7 mg and 13.5 mg tablets and oral suspension (the active ingredient is suspended in a drinkable liquid)


To remove parasites from the body, the biological differences between worms and mammals are exploited. In the case of members of the roundworm family (the ascarid worms), the parasitic worm is attached to the host’s intestine by its tiny teeth and/or suckers. Pyrantel acts as a neuromuscular blocker so that the parasite relaxes its grip; it paralyzes the worm so that it loses its attachment. The worm is then passed with the feces into the cold, cruel world.

Outside of the host’s protective body, the worm soon dies. Because the medication is absorbed poorly from the host’s intestine, the host is completely unaffected by the paralysis effect. It also helps that the host is substantially larger than the parasite. Thus, the small amounts of medication needed to remove parasites are not of concern to the mammal host.

How this Medication is Used

Pyrantel pamoate is effective against numerous parasitic worms:

Larval roundworms and hookworms migrate through the host's body before completing their development in the host's intestine. Only the worms in the intestine are vulnerable to pyrantel pamoate. To address the worms in the migration process, the deworming must be repeated after these worms have had the opportunity to reach the intestine. This means that there must be a second deworming two to four weeks after the first deworming and possibly even a third deworming two to four weeks after that.

Pyrantel pamoate is also used in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, and many other species. When a new puppy or kitten is adopted and is said to have been “dewormed,” the chances are this product was used. Pyrantel pamoate is not effective against whipworms or tapeworms.

Pyrantel pamoate should be stored at room temperature, away from light. If a dose in the deworming schedule is accidentally skipped, simply give the dose when it is remembered.

Side Effects

Worms are frequently passed with some diarrhea, straining, and sometimes vomiting. A heavily parasitized, very small animal may suffer a worm impaction when a large number of worms die and try to pass out at the same time. This is an unusual possibility, but be aware of it if you are using pyrantel pamoate on small animals. The Companion Animal Parasite Council recommends that puppies and kittens be dewormed as young as two weeks of age.

Interactions With Other Drugs

It is recommended that the following drugs not be used with pyrantel pamoate as they increase the potential for side effects: levamisole, morantel, or piperazine (all are other dewormers) or with organophosphate insecticides.

Concerns And Cautions

  • Pyrantel pamoate is safe to use in pregnancy and lactation and is frequently used in these situations to minimize the worm burdens of neonatal animals.
  • Roundworms are relatively large (inches in length) and may be passed alive, but they have some ability to move feebly. The owner of the dewormed pet should be mentally prepared for this visual.

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