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  • Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) Surgery for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture Open link in new window
    The cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) is a ligament in the back leg that stabilizes an animal’s knee. 
  • Terbutaline Sulfate (Brethine) Open link in new window
    Airway dilation is helpful in situations such as bronchitis and asthma.
  • Rabies in Animals Open link in new window
    Descriptions of rabies go back thousands of years as rabies has classically been one of the most feared infections of all time. Rabies is a serious disease, but fortunately it can also be easily prevented in dogs and cats by proper vaccination.
  • Vaccine Allergic Reactions in Dogs and Cats Open link in new window
    Immunization represents stimulation of the immune system, an inherently inflammatory process. Vaccination reactions severe enough to produce shock are extremely rare and are a function of an individual pet's immune response.
  • Injection Site Sarcoma (Cancer) in Cats Open link in new window
    Fibrosarcomas have been recognized for a very long time as difficult, deeply rooted tumors of cats. What has only recently been recognized is the potential for vaccination to lead to the formation of these tumors.
  • Velagliflozin (Senvelgo®) Open link in new window
    Velagliflozin is an oral medication used to help control blood glucose in otherwise healthy diabetic cats before insulin must be started.  
  • Parvovirus: Vaccination and Prevention Open link in new window
    We vaccinate puppies in a series, giving a vaccine every 2 to 4 weeks until age 16 weeks. By age 16 weeks, we can be certain that maternal antibodies have waned and vaccine should be able to take. It should be recognized that some individuals, especially those of well-vaccinated mothers, must be vaccinated out to 20 weeks unless a high titer vaccine is used.
  • How to Find a Good, Responsible Breeder Open link in new window
    A responsible breeder is one who cares about their animals-and you as their potential family-more than their own profit. Here are some ideas on how to find a good one. 
  • Patellar Luxation in Dogs Ranges in Severity Open link in new window
    Patella luxation, or knee dislocation, can range in severity from a patella that can be dislocated only in extreme extension and then snaps readily into place, to a patella that is permanently luxated medially (towards the center of the dog's body).
  • Kidney Failure (Chronic) Links for Additional Information Open link in new window
    See other sources of information on renal disease.

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The same folks who provide Veterinary Partner® also offer a blog called VetzInsight. Rather than explain what occurs in a disease process and how to treat it - which Veterinary Partner® offers - our goal is not only to inform on larger issues but to tap into the numerous emotions at play within the human-animal bond. We're here to learn and have fun. If you're interested in learning more about a broader look at veterinary medicine, the veterinarians, the clients, and the patients, VetzInsight is a great learning experience.

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VIN News Service was created in 2008 as the news media arm of the Veterinary Information Network, the largest online information service devoted to veterinary medicine. Since 1991, VIN has served as a community where colleagues connect to share medical cases and their experiences navigating life, business and the profession. VIN is for veterinarians, by veterinarians. The VIN News Service, like VIN, is advertiser-free, supported by the dues of VIN members.

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