2.5.2025 - Wednesday
If you are new to VIN, please look around and explore what we offer. We are so confident you will like us that we are offering a 30-day FREE trial of our membership program.
Does your state require CE to renew your veterinary license? Whether you are trying to meet that state deadline for CE credits or just want to expand your veterinary knowledge, VIN provides convenient, comprehensive, continual education that you can do from the comfort of your home or office. Courses are RACE-approved by the AAVSB as well as most state boards!
Don't forget about your staff! VIN provides affordable staff training CE through VSPN (www.vspn.org), with a wide variety of course topics, including: veterinary assistant training, receptionist training, interpretation of lab tests, and practice management. View the latest course catalog at www.vspn.org/CE! |
777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616 Copyright 2004, Veterinary Information Network, Inc. |