VSPN Volunteer Commitment Outline
Revised: April 24, 2014
Published: July 06, 2001

The Veterinary Support Personnel Network relies heavily on input and participation by active community members, including, but not limited to, veterinary technicians/nurses, veterinary assistants, the front desk team, and veterinary practice managers. In order for VSPN to be and to be the leading community for veterinary personnel, we need continued contributions and support by our volunteer staff in all community areas and VSPN-sponsored activities. Benefits can include the satisfaction of helping others, free online CE, professional development and more.

For a better understanding of what you can expect as a volunteer and what is expected of you by VSPN, please read the following Volunteer Commitment Agreement.

The Mission of the Veterinary Support Personnel Network is to support, inspire, and lead our profession in the advancement of veterinary medicine by providing a worldwide community for veterinary support staff complete with message boards, resources, continual education, and interactive sessions in an encouraging, collaborative and sharing environment.

The commitment that you have made is not just a commitment to VSPN, but to the VSPN community and the veterinary medical profession as a whole. The time that you choose to spend contributing to and supporting VSPN is entirely up to you, but we do ask that you do commit to a minimum involvement as outlined below.

A successful volunteer:

  • Has a positive, willing attitude
  • Is a team player – willing to work with others in a spirit of cooperation
  • Allows us to help you develop your volunteering role with us.
  • Is willing to support and listen to VSPN members
  • Understands responsibilities and asks questions if further clarification is needed
  • Follows the VSPN standards in relation to its staff, other volunteers and members
  • Shows up on time (or early) when course assisting or chat hosting and is willing to give reasonable notice so other arrangements can be made when this is not possible

 Moderators are expected to be active participants in all of the following areas:

Message Boards 
VSPN moderators are usually assigned one or more message board folders to moderate, depending on areas of expertise and experience. Board moderators are listed on the "About this Folder" page of each VSPN message board folder. Moderators should check their boards frequently (2-3 times weekly) and respond to requests for information, direct participants to post their professional comments and experiences. Moderators should also create new topic threads when activity in his/her assigned folder(s) is slow. Moderators aren't expected to provide all of the answers, but to provide resources, references, experience, and structured discussion. If you will have an absence from the boards (such as attending a conference, vacation, etc.), please make sure to notify the VSPN Director.

VSPN hosts frequent rounds (chats). These can be informal get-togethers (open chats) or structured rounds with specific topics (i.e. anesthesia rounds, tech rounds, case-based rounds, management-based rounds). As a VSPN moderator, you should plan to host (lead) or moderate VSPN rounds sessions. We do not assign topics or chat involvement; moderators determine which topics they would like to present. The goal should be to host one or two chats per year.

VSPN Staff/Moderator Meetings
VSPN admin staff and moderators meet in our online meeting room once every other month. It is ideal for all volunteers to attend a minimum of one meeting per year. In addition each moderator should be actively engaged in his/her assigned message board folder(s). We try to alternate the days of the week and times of the meetings to appeal to everyone's schedule and meeting dates/times are posted in advance to allow for planning.

VSPN Notebook® Contributor
The VSPN Notebook® is a collective online quick-reference for veterinary personnel, by veterinary personnel. Whether you write material, contribute images, edit, format, or proofread, your contribution to this project is valuable. Working on the VSPN Notebook® is also a great way for you to get your feet wet in the technical writing field.

Remember that becoming part of the VSPN volunteer team, you truly make a difference in the lives of all our VSPN members and the veterinary profession as a whole!

If you are interested in becoming part of the VSPN team, please email Charlotte@vspn.org with your intent, a resume or CV, and your contact information.