How VIN and VSPN CE Works
Revised: May 05, 2022
Published: March 14, 2006

How it Works

Almost all VSPN CE and VIN CE courses hold interactive real time sessions.  Real time sessions are NOT mandatory. Our courses are set up to allow you to maximize your learning via synchronous interaction (with the instructor in a classroom online) and/or asynchronous interaction (posting to and reading the message boards and reviewing other materials at your convenience).  Our worldwide membership have successfully completed courses by merely participating to learn at times convenient for them. 
• You can be late to a real time session or leave early, but try to be there for the entire time.
It is okay to miss a real time session, just make sure you have read and fully understand the participation policy.
• You don't need to let us know if you will miss or have missed a session UNLESS you need help! If you don't ask for help, we don't know if you are having problems!
• Be sure that you login to your course area (username and password) - this tells the system it's you doing the work in the course area and is how we track your active participation.

Participation Policy for Course Credit
To demonstrate that you are following along with the class, you must complete the following before the course closed date: 

Actively participate in the course three or more times a week. Participation can include postings on the message board and/or participation in the real time sessions (example: if the course has three real time sessions, you will need to participate nine times or an average of three times per week). You can meet these requirements by posting an average of three times per week on the message boards, speak up three times during a real time session (including taking polls), complete any homework/final exam assignments provided by the instructor or any combination of these. If you miss a real time session or can't visit the message boards in any given week, you will still receive credit provided you meet the requirement for total participation by the end of the course.

• Complete and submit any online quizzes, end of course test and course evaluation. A course may have weekly quizzes and an end of course test that can be taken online from the course area library. Each online quiz and end of course test is worth one participation point if completed with a score of 80% or better. The end of course test is MANDATORY if you wish to be considered for a CE certificate. Quizzes and the end of course test are opened in the course library within 24 hours after each real time session. 

Zoom Conferencing System
Most VSPN CE courses utilize the Zoom Conferencing System for real time sessions. Zoom is a webinar-type screen sharing presentation system. Instructors will be available at the real time sessions to answer questions, but some instructors may choose to pre-record their audio presentation due to the complexity of the topic. This is done to ensure that all information is presented during the real time session. Many instructors will choose to deliver their audio live.

Zoom webinars are accessed from the Enter Classroom button on the course main page. You will need to do a quick download the first time you use Zoom. Members can also choose to enter the Zoom webinar via a mobile device such as a tablet, iPad or cell phone. The Zoom app is required for all mobile devices (some features may not work if you access via a web browser from a mobile device) and the app is free at the App Store or through Google Play.

If you encounter issues and need help, contact Live Support by clicking on the flashing "Click here for instant help" message on the course main page under the Enter Classroom. You will see this when a member of our team is available to help you immediately.

Receiving a CE Certificate

You will receive an email approximately 3-5 days after the course closes indicating whether or not you have successfully completed the requirements for a certificate of participation for your course.
If you require a CE certificate to maintain licensure in a state other than in your address, please be sure to indicate those states in the enrollment form.

Accessing Archived Course Materials after the course closes

VIN/VSPN CE courses remain accessible to course participants indefinitely. Once the course closes, you can access the course area using the login link found in the “Recent Classes” listing in MyCE. You can also access the course area from the Archived CE Courses button on the CE Portal page.

Charlotte Waack, CVT, RVT
VSPN Director/VSPN CE Director
800-846-0028 or 530-756-4881, ext. 193

April Barker (; ext. 715
Debbie Bess (
Barb Burri (; ext. 764 
Jaime MacArthur (; ext. 167 
Liza Rudolph (; ext. 181
Rachel Patterson (; ext. 714
Lisa Kernaghan (; ext. 159